Chapter 1
Chapter Text
Jensen groaned as a shaft of morning sun light hit his face through the gap in the bedroom curtains. His head hurt like someone was stabbing him in the temple with an ice pick. If it didn’t hurt so much he would definitely curse Kane for dragging him out for a night of drinking. Jensen tried to push himself up only to find he was pinned to the bed by a dead weight of a long tan muscled arm. "Shit." Jensen groaned realizing he had brought someone home from the bar last night which always made for awkward morning after encounters Jensen’s head hurt to bad to handle it this morning. He tried to push the arm off him but his bed mate just tightened the hold he had on Jensen. Picking up the arm Jensen’s heart almost stopped when he caught a glance of a familiar platinum wedding band on the ring finger. He had not only got drunk and brought someone home with him. Jensen had got drunk and brought his estranged husband Jared Padalecki home with him. "My life sucks." Jensen groaned dropping his head back down on his pillow.
Jared pulled him tighter against his long body burying his nose into Jensen’s neck still asleep. Surrendering to the throbbing pain in his head Jensen closed his eyes threading his fingers through Jared’s going back to sleep.
Six months earlier "I see it was another late night with Little Ms. Perfect." Jensen said in cold clipped sarcasm as Jared walked into the kitchen at midnight on a Wednesday night.
Jared walked to the fridge grabbing a beer before responding. "I told you this project is a mess and we need to get it back on track. That I’d be working late, with my team." Jared’s design firm was working on the redesign of half a dozen building and grounds of the Liberal Arts Campus of the University of Texas. Jared was the chief architect for the project.
Jensen didn’t have a problem with Jared working long hours; in fact he was extremely proud of Jared’s work. It was a certain member of Jared’s team Jensen had a problem with. Genevieve Cortez was fresh out of college when she was hired by Morgan Design. Since her first day on the job the petite pretty brunette had done her best to put a wedge between Jared and Jensen. She followed Jared around wearing outfits that were more street walker then urban professional. She brought Jared lunch, gave him neck massages when he was stressed at work. Genevieve Cortez was a perfect assistant and Jared sang her praises until Jensen wanted to stick hot pokers in his own ears just so he didn’t have to hear it any more. "Yes you did. I dropped by earlier this evening to bring you dinner. I got a little shock." Jensen paused. "No not really a shock more of a confirmation of a suspicion I’ve had for a while now." The guilty look on Jared’s face told Jensen he didn’t have to finish what he was going to say. When Jensen had dropped in with takeout he saw Jared kissing Genevieve his shirt unbuttoned his big hand cupping her tiny breasts. Jensen had just turned around and walked back to his car.
"Jen. Jensen I didn’t fuck her. You got to believe me. It was the heat of moment. Jen." Jared reached out to touch Jensen only to get a well aimed fist to his jaw. "Don’t even fucking try to explain it! I am going to Steve and Christian’s my lawyer will be in touch." Jensen grabbed his car keys leaving Jared wiping blood from his lip.
Jensen had filed for separation the next day only because of his parents. Who believed the sun basicly rose and set on Jared Padalecki’s ass and whatever he had done once Jensen calmed down and thought it through he would forgive him. His grandmother had even told Jensen in her no nonsense way husbands have indiscretions it’s the nature of the beast. "If I’d run off every time your grandfather was lead astray by some loose woman your uncle Daniel would have been my only child." Of course Jared had contested the separation. He even threw a major adolescent bitch fit when Jensen moved out of their house into a townhouse close to Steve and Christian’s. Christian and Jared had an all out brawl on the front lawn. They both got carted off to the police station. Steve bailed out Christian and begrudgingly Jensen had bailed Jared out.
A week after that Jensen was in his office going over acquisition asset reports when a screeching irate Genevieve Cortez stormed in. She was attacking Jensen trying to scratch his eyes out. Apparently Jared had fired her and Morgan Design’s owner Jeffrey Dean Morgan had Genevieve physically removed from their offices. He also put the word out to local firms that she was trouble and to think twice before hiring her.
In the six months that Jensen and Jared had been apart Jared had done his best to court Jensen. Calling and asking him to lunch or to go for a walk in the park. Jensen usually declined he even accepted a date with a coworker to a restaurant that Jared frequently ate. Jared had been there with his boss Jeffrey Dean Morgan. To say the night didn’t go well would be a polite understatement.
Jared groaned pulled the plaint body next to his tighter. His cock had started to stir even before his brain was fully awake from the feel of the firm ass tucked against him. He buried his nose into Jensen sleep warm neck breathing in deep. Jensen smelled so wonderful to Jared. Being there in bed with his husband chased the alcohol induced headache almost completely from his Jared’s head. The night before had been one of the best nights Jared had had in a long time. It all started with a call from Steve Carlson the slightly less volatile part of KANE. He informed Jared that Jensen had gotten a promotion to Vice President of Acquisitions at Castiel Inc. They were going to celebrate at Harvelle’s Roadhouse. Steve thought he might want to swing by. Jensen had already been a couple beers in when Jared had arrived. KANE had the crowd going wild and being rowdy. Sam Ferris the Roadhouse’s owner was tending bar and pouring shots. She was one of their friends who believed Jared and Jensen should be together and was sneaky enough to think getting them both drunk would help them get back on track. After congratulating Jensen Jared was able to talk him into a dance and another beer. By the end of the night they were doing body shots and Jensen was sitting astride Jared’s lap kissing him.
They barely made it out to Jared’s car before he had his fingers in Jensen tight ass. The blow job in the Roadhouse parking lot almost blew the top of Jared’s head off. When they finally made it Jensen’s townhouse a trail of clothes were left to the bedroom. Jared slammed Jensen up against the bedroom wall burying his hard aching cock balls deep in one hard thrust. Jensen sunk his teeth into Jared’s shoulder wrapping his legs tightly around his bigger lover. The sex had been the hard raw needy fucking that comes from being apart for so long. Harsh growls and cursing filled the room as sweat slicked skin slapped together. Once they finally made it to the bed they collapsed boneless clinging to each other in alcohol and sex drugged slumber. Groaning as gentle hands roamed his body, soft lips nibbled at his neck Jensen reached back threading his fingers through Jared’s shaggy chocolate mane. He didn’t even realize how much he missed having Jared’s big muscled frame next to him in bed. They had always fit so easily together. "MMM Jared." Jensen moaned rolling over so they were facing each other. Rolling them more so he settled on top of Jensen Jared captured his sweet lips in a slow lazy kiss. Pulling back. "Morning Baby." Jared said swirling his hips so their morning erections rubbed together. "Ah Fuck!" Jensen hissed wiggling so the tip of Jared’s hard cock slide again his swollen wet hole. "What do you want baby? Tell me. Come on Jen tell me what you need." Jared demanded thrusting against him. "You! I want you. Jared please need you inside me now!" Jensen begged. Slowly Jared thrust inside Jensen savoring the slick tightness. He pressed deep searching kisses on Jensen lips teasing him with his tongue. They moved in a slow easy lovers pace. Both panting words of love and forever as they came. Jensen sat on his sofa sipping his third cup of coffee absently listening to the TV. Jared had gone home to grab some clothes so he could spend the weekend at the townhouse. For the first time in months Jensen felt like they might be able to find their way back to good.
A man sat outside in his rental watching the townhouse. He had been at the bar last night and watched the fairy tale couple reconnect. It was enough to turn his stomach. He had thought throwing the beautiful Ms. Cortez at Padalecki would be enough to shake the big oaf out of his insanity of being in a gay marriage.
Chapter 2
Title: Making Circles 2/?
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: Love hurts, Love is stubborn, and love is
Full of need and anger. Righteousness is a love warped
Beyond everything.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: NC-17, homophobia
Notes: Just an idea that popped into my head listening to
Kane’s song ‘Making Circles’ the explicit version
Disclaimer: as usual my twisted brain has the boys doing
naughty things to each other.
Chapter Text
Sunday had brought Steve and Christian over for barbeque. Christian and Jared argued over who was better the Texas Long Horns or Oklahoma Sooners. Steve and Jensen strummed on their guitars while keeping their respective lovers from coming to blows. No one noticing they were being watched.
He stood just behind a huge oak tree that sat at the border of Ackles property. How they could act like what they were involved in was in anyway natural was beyond his comprehension. It enraged him that by looking at anyone of the men sitting on the deck they look like normal heterosexual males having a bbq and having a good time. It was clear that to save Jared Padalecki more drastic measures would need to be taken.
Jensen loaded the last of the few dishes into the dishwasher. Strong arm slipped around his waist, warm lips ghosted over his neck. Jared spun him around. "This has been a great weekend."
A smile curved on Jensen’s lips. "Yes it has. We haven’t had this in a long time. Even before last fall." He leaned up kissing Jared. "I think we should sell the house. I really like it here. We can be close to Steve and Christian, even Chad is a block over. We need to be close to people who matter to us not in some big house that’s more for show then comfort." Jared said moving around the kitchen to lean again the counter giving Jensen some space. Their house across town was a big two story ultra modern home with all the bells and whistles. It was way too much space for just the two of them. The neighborhood was exclusive, upper crust with overly manicured lawns conservative families. Most of their neighbors were polite to them but with an air of distain. Gay’s were tolerated but far from welcome.
"You want to live here? What about your home office? The huge back yard?" Jensen asked his heart slamming inside his chest. He was never truly comfortable in that house. "Fuck the huge yard! I want to be here with you. Have a fresh start, close to our friends." Jared walked over cupping Jensen’s face in his hands pressing a kiss on his forehead then his lips.
Jeffrey Dean Morgan watched Jared rush into the office a big goofy grin on his face his tie skewed like he put it on in a rush. There was a deep purple hickey peeking out from his shirt collar a sign that his young executive had a good weekend. "Hey kid. Looking a little rushed this morning?" Jeff said coming out of his office holding a cup of coffee. Jared grin brightened. "Yeah, Mondays are Jensen’s day to working from home and he was trying to help." Jared paused giggling "Or not help me get ready this morning."
"Jensen? As in you’re almost ex-husband Jensen?" Jeff asked pretty sure he knew the answer. Anyone who had eyes saw the two men were meant for each other and the love was as solid as concrete. They just got off track for a minute. "That was never going to happen. We just needed to get our heads out of our asses. We are selling the house and I am moving into the townhouse." If possible Jared’s grin got bigger. Jeff clapped Jared on the shoulder. "I am glad to hear it son. Think you can get your head out of the clouds and get some work done today?" Jeff laughed as Jared blushed.
Sipping coffee as he looked at contracts on his laptop Jensen smiled as an instant message popped up from Jared. ‘Miss you baby. R U lying in bed naked waiting for me to come home?’ Jensen shook his head sending a response. ‘No u perv. Working have a conference call with Misha in a half hour. Miss u too Jay.’
The day moved fast the University of Texas project was wrapping up just as the spring semester was about to start only two months past the expected completion date. Which was a miracle in its self as far behind as the project had been when the whole Genevieve issue happened. The dean of the Liberal Arts College was pleased with the resolute. The afternoon came and Jeff called a meeting of all the teams involved in the project to congratulate them. After the meeting he asked Jared to come into his office. "What’s up Jeff?" Jared asked taking seat. "I want to offer you a partnership in the firm." Jeff leaned back in his chair a small smile on his face waiting for his offer to sink in.
"Holy Fuck Jeff. Really a partnership? Seriously?" Jared asked in totally shock over the office. "Seriously. The firm is growing bigger than I ever expected and a lot of it is because of you Jared. Think about it. Talk to Jensen let me know in a couple days." Jensen was making stir fry for dinner listening to Bon Jovi’s Wanted Dead or Live on an 80’s rock station. The knock on his door startled him a little. When he opened the door a big manila envelope sat on his door step. Inside the envelope was color glossy photos of him kissing the man he had gone on a date with. There was also a picture of Jared through what appeared to be a sniper scope. The letter accompanying the photos said if Jensen didn’t release Jared from the shameful, sinful homosexual relationship then God would forcibly release Jared’s soul. Jensen’s knees went weak. His heart slammed inside his chest. With a trembling hand his picked up his phone. "Jared I need you."
Chapter 3
Title: Making Circles 3/?
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: Love hurts, Love is stubborn, and love is
Full of need and anger. Righteousness is a love warped
Beyond everything.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: NC-17, homophobia
Notes: Just an idea that popped into my head listening to
Kane’s song ‘Making Circles’ the explicit version
Disclaimer: as usual my twisted brain has the boys doing
naughty things to each other.
Chapter Text
Jensen jumped when the phone rang. "Hello."
"Ackles did you get my gift? I hope I was clear about what you have to do." A deep voice spoke in a clipped tone.
"Who the fuck is this? What the fuck do you want?" Jensen demanded.
"Who I am isn’t what you should be concerned with Ackles. But just think of me was a concerned God abiding citizen who wants to save a good man from the disgraceful sinful life your defiant whoring ways have lead to. Jared Padalecki should be living a good pure life with a faithful god fearing woman. Not one of a cock sucking faggot."
The more the man talked the angrier his voice got and the less sane it sounded making the hair on the back of Jensen’s neck stand up. "You don’t get to pick who someone else loves asshole." Jensen snapped back.
"Jared doesn’t love you. You are just a tight place to stick his dick. I am not going to let you to continue to taint him with your filth. Make no mistake I will save Jared Padalecki even if I have to kill him to do it!" the voice snarled before hanging up. A wave of panic washed over Jensen. Jared was on his way home and who knew if the freak was watching them.
Picking up the phone Jensen called Steve. The only way to drive Jared away was to make him believe Jensen had a change of heart. The sound of screech tires made the three men wrapped around each other in the living room tense. Steve leaned forward kissing the tears streaming down Jensen’s face. Christian pressed up tightly behind Jensen whispering in his ear. "You sure this is how you want to handle this?" Jensen just pushed back against him letting his head fall forward on to Steve’s shoulder. Jared burst into Jensen’s house coming to a cold stop seeing his husband wrapped in erotic embrace. "Jensen! What the Fuck?"
The scene inside the townhouse was horrendous. Somehow Jensen made it through it without tell Jared the truth. He pushed Jared out of his life saying everything that had happened between them that weekend had been his way to get back at him for Genevieve. Seeing the hurt and pain in Jared fox like hazel eyes ripped Jensen’s heart out. The looks of disappointment in Christian and Steve’s eyes just compounded the guilt he felt. No one understood Jensen had no choice but to push Jared away, no matter how much he loved him and wanted him. Jensen had to protect him. Jensen would rather live without Jared then live with Jared gone from the world because Jensen was too selfish to let him go.
A few weeks later after his and Jared’s divorces was announced in the paper because a local conservative pastor used their divorce to protest gay marriage. Jensen received a phone call at work from the concerned God abiding citizen. "You made the right choice for once Ackles. But heed my advice stick to your own kind or I’ll be calling again."
Six months later.
Misha Collins walked past Jensen’s office glancing inside he saw him hunched over his computer. The man looked like hell his usually perfectly tailored suits hung from his frame belaying the fact Jensen had lost a considerable amount of weight. There were dark circles under the saddest set of emerald eyes Misha had ever seen. Misha knocked lightly on the door.
Jensen looked up at him. "Hey Misha. What can I do for you?"
"Well I stopped by because I just saw your friends Kane and Carlson are playing at the River Walk." Misha said stepping inside the office shutting the door. Jensen shifted uncomfortable in his chair.
After Jensen wouldn’t explain why he did what he did to Jared. He had a huge fight with his two best friends and hadn’t spoken to Christian or Steve in months. He even moved to avoid them. "Oh really. I haven’t really been in touch with them recently."
"Rachel was thinking you should come with us to see the show. Do you good to get out." Rachel was Misha’s wife who was as a real fire cracker when she needed to be. Most of Misha’s top executives were a little afraid of her.
Jensen shook his head. He really didn’t have the energy for a confrontation with his long ago friends. He just wanted to go home and crawl into bed and sleep through the weekend. Coming to work and the occasional venture to the store was all the socializing Jensen did since the divorce. His guilt weighted on him like a lead stone. "I really don’t feel up to it. I am just going to finish this contract and head home. I think I am coming down with something." Jensen declined. "Well that’s just too bad for you Jensen. Because you are coming with us and you are going to enjoy yourself." Rachel waltzed into Jensen office linking her arm with her husband’s.
Jared waited for his date to emerge from the restroom so they could continue their stroll along the River Walk. Sandy McCoy had been his high school steady girl friend. After the divorce Jared ran into her at of all places a flower shop when he went to order some Mother’s Day flowers for his mom and sister in-law. They clicked again almost like they had never drifted their separate ways. Sandy came out of the bathroom holding a flyer. "Hey Jared let’s walk over to Band shell. KANE is playing tonight. I’ve been dying to see them forever. Daddy doesn’t approve of their more raucous music or the fact Christian Kane and Steve Carlson are partners." Sandy said making quotes with her fingers. Making a grimacing face Jared tried to think of a reason he didn’t want to go see KANE the hottest country rock band in a country at the moment without bringing up Jensen. Just thinking his ex-husbands name made Jared’s heart ache. Christian Kane and Steve Carlson playing a big part in cause the pain didn’t have a bearing on how incredibly talented the two men were. "Please Jared. This might be my only chance to see them." Sandy begged looking up at Jared batting her chocolate brown eyes. "Sure we can." Jared gave in dropping a kiss on Sandy’s forehead as she bounced up and down in glee.
Even in the warmth of the early spring even Jensen hunched deeper into his jacket, shoving his cold hands into his jean pockets. He kept his eyes down as he followed Misha and Rachel through the crowd already gathered in the band shell. Jensen hoped the baseball cap he wore was enough to disguise himself from Christian or Steve noticing him in the crowd. Rachel looked back at Jensen with concerned eyes he was so pale and gaunt looking not at all the young confident executive Misha had hired almost a decade ago. Since his divorce from Jared Padalecki Jensen had withdrawn from life. Reaching out she slid her arm through Jensen’s. "Hey handsome. You know this is a concert not an execution right?" Jensen gave a weak smile. "Yeah I know. Just there’s a lot things that got fucked up in the divorce you know. I drifted away from everyone including Christian and Steve. I just don’t want to cause them any problems." Rachel nodded pulling Jensen to a clear spot off to the side about 60 feet from the stage. She slid in next to Misha giving Jensen the set at the end of the bench just in case he felt the need to leave.
The crowd was growing entering the band shell area. Christian was amped up see all the KANE fans. He had gone to tape up his fingers on the tour bus and was walking back when he spotted a frail but familiar figure taking a seat at the far right of the stage. Making his way over to the bench Christian felt like he was punched in the gut seeing how rundown thin Jensen looked. "Jesus Jenny what the hell have you done to yourself?" Christian demanded as soon as he was close to Jensen.
Jensen jumped up at the sound of Christina angry voice. "Sorry. Sorry I am going." The sound of familiar voice caught Jared’s attention. He looked over to see Christian Kane trying to grab Jensen. He could hear the panic and stress in Jensen’s voice. Jared’s feet were moving before he made the conscious thought to move toward the two men. "Jensen? Chris?" Jared called their names.
Jensen froze hearing Jared’s voice moving closer. His heart started to beat so hard he couldn’t breathe. "Jared! No can’t see you. You can’t be here. Have to leave." Jensen ranted starting to move away. He practically running to get away Jensen looked back over his at Christian and Jared who were following him. He was so focused on getting away he didn’t see the maintence truck. The last think he heard was the screech of tires before everything went black.
"Jensen! Jesus!" Jared ran dropping to his knees next to Jensen’s crumbled body. He could hear Christian calling 911 the driver’s panicked voice saying he didn’t see Jensen until it was too late. "Jen. Jen." Jared leaned down.
Pain radiated through Jensen’s whole body. He coughed almost gagging on the metallic taste of blood that filled his mouth. "Jared. Jared. Love you so much. Sorry. So sorry." Jensen mumbled.
"Shh. Jensen it’s ok the medics are on their way. Love you baby. You hang on for me ok." Jared leaned down pressing a kiss to the corner of Jensen’s mouth.
"Jared! What the Hell are you doing? He could have HIV for all you know!" Sandy screeched from behind Jared. Before Jared could even say anything the ambulance arrived and Paramedics pushed their way through the crowd.
Chapter 4
Title: Making Circles 4/?
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: Love hurts, Love is stubborn, and love is
Full of need and anger. Righteousness is a love warped
Beyond everything.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: NC-17
Notes: Just an idea that popped into my head listening to
Kane’s song ‘Making Circles’ the explicit version
Disclaimer: as usual my twisted brain has the boys doing
naughty things to each other.
Chapter Text
The chaos that followed the accident almost caused a riot on the River Walk. Christian and Steve both left for the hospital leaving the venue promoter to explain to the crowd of the cancellation. "Sir you are going to have to step back so we can put him in the ambulance." One of paramedics tried to get Jared to let Jensen’s hand go. "He is my partner. I want; I need to go with you." Jared said his hazel eyes filled with unshed tears. The paramedic nodded.
"Jay we’ll meet you at the hospital." Christian said moving back as the stretch was pushed toward the ambulance. The emergency room at San Antonio General was virtually empty and quiet which was unusual for a Friday, but it was still early in the evening. That all changed when an ambulance drove up and gurney was pushed through the doors. Doctor Marcus Patrick hurried around the nurse’s station. "What do we have?" "White male in early thirties hit by a vehicle, plausible punctured right lung, contusions, broken ribs, blood pressure low." The paramedic rattled off vitals. A nurse stopped Jared from following the doctors. "Sir you have to stay out here. Please, we will need some information." She gently grabbed Jared’s arm when it looked like he was going bolt following Jensen into the emergency room. "He’s in the best hands he can be in sweetie Dr. Patrick is the best."
Christian and Steve came rushing into the emergency waiting room followed by Misha and Rachel. Steve went over to where Jared sat staring at hospital paper work like it was written Egyptian. "Let me help you Jared." Jared looked up into Steve crystal blue eyes. "We are divorced I don’t even know if I am still have his power of attorney. How did he get like that?" anger flashed in Jared’s hazel eyes. "How could you let Jensen get sick like that?" he demanded.
Steve glared for a moment before getting a hold of his anger. Jared had no way of knowing that Jensen had cut himself off from Steve and Christian too. "We haven’t talked to him on over 5 months. He moved across town changed all his numbers. Jensen cut himself off from everyone."
Misha talked to the admitting nurse to get an update on Jensen. The haggard looking woman told him the doctor would be out to update them as soon as he could. Rachel was watching Kane pace the small waiting room like a caged lion. Misha wondered how long she was going let the intense man fume. He almost laughed when on Christian next turn Rachel stood up blocking his way. "Listen up Cowboy take a seat. You are making me dizzy." Rachel matched Christian glare for glare crossing her arms she cocked her eyebrow then smiled when Christian sat down.
Sandy was so angry she felt tears stream down her face. She called herself a cab to bring her home. Jared Padalecki had left her humiliated in front of the crowd being left as Jared went with his ex-husband. Half way home Sandy changed her mind and asked the driver to drop her off at the Christian Enlightenment Church.
Pastor Carr Smith was in his office when he saw a cab drop Sandra McCoy in from the church. He could see she had been crying even through the window. Getting he met her in the chapel. "Sandy sweetheart what’s wrong?" Carr opened his arms to the small petite girl.
"Jared left me. He’s still involved with his faggot. I thought it was a sign from God when I when I ran into at the flower shop. That Jared had found his way back to the right path." Sandy sobbed into Carr’s chest.
"Sometimes the devil has a stronger hold then we think." Carr answered rubbing his hand down Sandy’s back. "I think maybe God has another soul mate in line for you." The young pastor prayed with Sandy for an hour until the woman was calmed down enough to go home. Once Sandy was on her way home Carr went to his office and started to call the local hospitals to find out which one Ackles had been taken too.
Dr. Marcus Patrick walked through the sliding glass doors into the waiting room. "Jensen Ackles next of kin?" A man with a mop of rich brown hair, rusty red highlights that Marcus’s sister would kill for jumped up. The man was well over 6’6 tall broad shouldered he could see why the admitting nurse had said the beautiful injured angel had a smoking hot husband. "Are you Jared Padalecki?"
"Yeah that’s me. How is Jensen? Is going to be ok? Can I see him?" Jared peppered the doctor with questions while the others gathered around. "Mr. Ackles has three broken ribs, bruised hip and a concussion from the accident. He is also dangerously underweight with the beginnings of a respatory infection. I’ve started him on antibiotics. We are keeping him for a few days to watch and see how the antibiotics are working. They are moving up stairs now but you can see once he is settled." Jared leaned against the wall next to the waiting room on the hospitals fourth floor. He could feel Steve and Christian’s eyes watching him. His mind went back to the day he came home thinking something terrible had happened to Jensen to find him wrapped up with the two men. If they had all been lovers why had Jensen pushed them away? Why had Steve even tried to help Jared get Jensen back in the first place? Looking up at them "Why? Why did you fuck Jensen?" Jared asked the anger and hurt plain in his voice.
"We didn’t fuck Jensen. He called us for help. All he would say was he needed you to be out of his life. After you left he kicked us out. We had a big fight a couple days later because he wouldn’t explain anything then he moved." "What the Fuck is going on with him?" Jared swore.
Chapter 5
Title: Making Circles 5/?
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: Love hurts, Love is stubborn, and love is
Full of need and anger. Righteousness is a love warped
Beyond everything.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: NC-17, homophobia
Notes: Just an idea that popped into my head listening to
Kane’s song ‘Making Circles’ the explicit version
Disclaimer: as usual my twisted brain has the boys doing
naughty things to each other.
Chapter Text
Stepping inside the hospital room Jared was struck with how fragile Jensen looked lying against the stark white sheets. IV’s stuck in his arm, oxygen tube in his nose tucked behind his ears. Dark circles under Jensen were like neon signs screaming that he had not been sleeping or taking care of himself for a while. Sitting down Jared picked up Jensen’s hand leaning his forehead on the knuckles. "What happened to us Jensen?"
Fall 1997 U of Texas Austin,
Jared was standing in line at the small coffee cart half way across the quad from the next class when a deep smoky voice started to speak from behind him. "I will buy you coffee every day the rest of the semester if you just stand your tall ass slightly to the left and make sure the red head walking this way does not see me." Jared turned around to look down into the prettiest set of green eyes he had ever seen behind a pair of wire frame glasses. the guy peeked around Jared then back at Jared with pleading eyes. Jared moved slightly to the left. Jared was big enough to block anyone's view of green eyes but he threw his arm around the guys shoulders just for good measure. "So do I get to know the reason I was playing a tree for you? My name is Jared Padalecki by the way in case you want to erect a plaque in my honor or something for saving you." Jared said with a smile.
A perfectly arched eyebrow cocked over the rim of the glasses. "Jensen Ackles. Good thing you are as big as a building with a name like Pada-whatever. Daneel Harris is the red headed bane of my existence. I mean there’s only so many ways I can say I am gay. Pussy and tits don’t do it for me." Jensen looked up licking his lips letting his eyes move over Jared’s athletic physic. "You on the other hand definitely do it for me." He laughed a deep chuckle when Jared blushed.
The sound of Jensen laugh sent a warm jolt right to Jared’s dick. His eyes locked on the plump curve of Jensen’s bottom lip. Jared’s staring was interrupted by the barista. "You two going order or make puppy dog eyes at each other all day?" Both men blushed. "Triple shot latte for me. What do you want big guy?" Jensen asked. "Ah a large mocha frappachino with whip cream." "Dude if you wanted a milk shake I could have taken you to McDonald’s and got you one cheaper." Jensen shook his head at Jared’s coffee choice.
They walked across the quad in the direction of Jared’s next class talking and sipping their drinks. Jared didn’t want to go to class he wanted to go some place to sit and talk with Jensen about anything and everything. He wanted to walk close to him and wrap his arm around Jensen’s trim waist. "So this is my stop. Where is your next class?" Jared asked settling his back pack higher on his shoulder. Jensen grinned taking a sip of his coffee. "I’m done for the day. I was heading to my car." He chuckled a little when Jared’s jaw dropped. "Dude!" Jared shook his head. "Hey you saved me from Daneel it’s the least I could do was walk my white knight to class. So tomorrow 11 o’clock good for you? I have a class at noon." Jensen asked cocking an eyebrow when Jared looked confused. "I owe you a coffee everyday this semester." "Yeah 11 it’s good. Thanks for the coffee." Jared answered feeling himself blush a little when Jensen winked at him before turning to leave.
It was a month of coffee dates before Jared got enough nerve to ask Jensen out on a date. The first time Jensen kissed him Jared’s knees nearly buckled. It was sweet and shy, demanding and hot all at the same time. The first time Jensen slipped his hand inside his jeans and wrapped his skilled hand around his dick the top of Jared’s head nearly blew off. The first time Jared sucked Jensen’s cock made him cum in his jeans with all the hot sexy filthy words spilling from Jensen pretty mouth. Present Nothing had ever felt so right to Jared then being in love and being loved by Jensen. Jared sighed thinking about the past didn’t help fix whatever was going on with them now. The love was there he knew it was. He and Jensen just needed to get back to it.
Carr Smith pulled into the far open parking slot at the park near the hospital. A Mercedes rolled into the slot next to his. Getting out of his car Carr slid into the passenger seat of the Mercedes. The man who drove the car bared only a slight resemblance to Jensen Ackles, but there was a resemblance. Kenneth Ackles was Alan Ackles older half brother and Jensen’s uncle. Kenneth was on the ultra conservative fringe and contributed to any politician against birth control, gay marriage and the separation of church and state. It was Kenneth who first approached Carr about forcing his nephew and Jared Padalecki apart. Kenneth had told Carr God had sent him a vision that they needed to save Jared from the sin of homosexuality.
"How is young Miss McCoy?" Kenneth asked without looking at Carr. "She is upset heartbroken. But she is a strong girl with strong faith." Carr answered. "It appears my nephew has a stronger hold on the young Mr. Padalecki then we suspected. I think it time to change our course. Removing Jensen from existence permanently seems to be the only way Jared will be truly free to have a good Christian life with Sandra." Kenneth watched Carr get back into his own car biting back the bit of disgust he felt for the young pastor and his willingness to do whatever Kenneth asked of him. It a sign of a weak character, but it was a trait Kenneth was more than happy exploit. Carr Smith was a very useful tool.
The throbbing in his head made Jensen moan as he pushed his way through the Fog that muddled his brain. He tried to move is hand but his fingers were laced with another hand a thumb slowly stroking the top of his hand. Jensen finally got his eye lids to cooperate and open he looked right into the concerned warm hazel orbs of Jared Padalecki. "Jared?" Jensen’s voice sounded weak and scratchy. "Hey baby."
Chapter 6
Title: Making Circles 6/?
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: Love hurts, Love is stubborn, and love is
Full of need and anger. Righteousness is a love warped
Beyond everything.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: NC-17, homophobia
Notes: Just an idea that popped into my head listening to
Kane’s song ‘Making Circles’ the explicit version
Disclaimer: as usual my twisted brain has the boys doing
naughty things to each other.
Chapter Text
The short drive from the hospital to Jensen’s house was made in silence. Misha had given Christian the spare key to get Jensen a few things. The neighborhood he had moved into was nice enough Jensen lived at the very end of the street that dead ended into a stretched empty land. The curtains were all drawn and the grass needed to be mowed. "Fuck what happened to Jensen? Since when have you known him not to keep his yard up?" Steve said getting out of the truck.
The inside was neat and lonely. None of the art Jensen had prized was hung on the stark white walls. The new furniture looked like no one had even sat on it. The rest of the small house spoke of a very lonely existence that Jensen lived. Steve walked into a room that was set up to be Jensen’s home office. A lap top sat on the desk, papers scattered around. His eyes caught an envelope lying on the top of a pile of mail; it was the only piece that was open. Curious Steve picked it up. Inside were what appeared to be recent pictures of Jared and a petite brunette girl holding hands and kissing. A letter fell from between the pictures.
I thought you might enjoy this reminder of your correct choice in letting Jared go. This is the life he was meant to lead with a god fearing Christian woman. Not a sinful life of homosexual fornicating with you. Just remember I am always watching. Your choices are what keep Jared among the living Ackles never forget that.
Concerned God Abiding Citizen
Christian walked into Jensen’s bedroom and stopped on one wall was dominated by a painting portrait of Jared with a big smile. On the dresser were pictures of their wedding and of Steve and Christian’s. The more Christian looked the more the bleak sadness that had become Jensen’s life hit him. Angry at himself, Steve, Misha anyone who knew Jensen rolled over Christian. They all had just let Jensen slip away. It had taken a day for Christian to calm down from the fit with Jensen, but it was stubbornness that kept him from picking up the phone and calling. Shaking his head Christian went into the bathroom.
"Christian! You got to see this! I think I just found out what is up with Jensen." Steve came into the bedroom holding the envelope.
"Jared. What are you doing here?" Jensen asked closing his eyes seeing Jared feeling his fingers laced with his was like a knife into his heart.
"You ran away from me and got hit by a truck. I am worried about you." Jared answered tightening his hold on Jensen’s hand when he tried to pull it away.
"Go away Jared. Go home to the little woman. I’ll be fine." Jensen’s defeated sprit coloring every word.
Reaching out Jared brushed his knuckles down Jensen’s cheek, leaning in close. "See that’s the thing I don’t have a little woman. What I have is a very stubborn husband who doesn’t know when to ask for help."
"Ex-husband asshole." Jensen snapped trying to push himself up.
Jared put a big hand on his chest hitting the button to raise the back of the bed. Taking a deep breath Jared bit his lip for a moment trying to gather the right words to say. The past six months of his life had been numb. He felt like a mannequin just going through the paces of pretending to move on in his life. He would get up every day thinking today would be just as good as it was yesterday just to be able to climb out of bed. Sitting there waiting for Jensen to wake up Jared realized that a million days of fighting with Jensen was better than one perfect day with anyone else. Jared was going to find out what drove Jensen to do what he had done and he was going to fix it so they could get back to being them. "Ok Jensen I want you to listen up because I am going to lay the law down. The whole ex-husband thing, well that’s going to be fixed as soon as the doc gives you a clean bill of health. Now here is what is going to go down Jensen Ross Ackles you are going to tell me everything about what happened six months ago. You are going to tell everything about what is obviously still going on. Then together we are going to fix it." Jared finished leaning down he captured Jensen’s lips with his. Jensen reached out clutching Jared’s shirt in his fists. He could feel tears stream down his face. His heart wanted to believe that there was nothing their love couldn’t conquer.
The sound of someone clearing their throat startled both Jared and Jensen. Misha was standing in the door with a small smile on his face. "I see Jensen decided to return to the land of the conscious." He said strolling inside. "I gave Kane your spare key to pick up some stuff for you. No need to thank me. It was that or Rachel was going incapacitate Christian maybe permenately with his pacing." Misha pulled out a chair plopping down.
Jared settled down on the hospital bed next to Jensen eyeing Misha. Jensen’s boss was a very strange eccentric man. He had the weirdest sense of humor Jared had ever come across. The man gave them two pink dildos for their wedding anniversary the first year Jensen had worked for him and randomly decided to work in one of his executive offices one day and let them use his.
Christian and Steve stepped off the elevator onto the floor Jensen was on. When they got to Jensen’s hospital room Steve waived for Jared to come out into hall. "Guys?" Jared came open into the hall. Christian handed the envelope to Jared. "We found these at Jensen’s place. It’s why this whole mess went down." Jared scanned the letter his nose flaring in anger as he read. "What the Fuck?"
Chapter 7
Title: Making Circles 7/?
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: Love hurts, Love is stubborn, and love is
Full of need and anger. Righteousness is a love warped
Beyond everything.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: NC-17, homophobia
Notes: Just an idea that popped into my head listening to
Kane’s song ‘Making Circles’ the explicit version
Disclaimer: as usual my twisted brain has the boys doing
naughty things to each other.
Chapter Text
Sandra McCoy sat on her front porch swing thinking about how she had let her heart be broken once again by Jared Padalecki. She should have known that he was too tainted by sin to truly return to the righteous way. Taking a deep breath Sandy made the decision to forget about Jared and open her heart to other possibilities for a husband. Maybe she would try to get to know Pastor Smith better. A familiar car rolled to a stop in front of her house. Sandy squealed. "Uncle Kenneth!" Sandy ran toward the handsome silver haired man who stepped out of car.
Kenneth Bailey wasn’t really Sandy’s uncle he was just a long time family friend of her parents but Sandy had always called him uncle since she was a little girl. "How is my favorite girl?" Kenneth smiled wrapping his arms around the tiny woman lifting her off her feet. Kenneth had kept the fact that his real last name was Ackles a secret from most his small circle of friends. His father hadn’t acknowledged him until he had been in his twenties. Bailey was his mother’s maiden name one Kenneth still used most of time. "I am better now that you’ve come to visit uncle Kenneth." Sandy said linking her arm through her uncle’s.
Jared flipped through the photos then read the note. Someone had forced Jensen to end things with Jared by threatening Jared’s life. Everything was starting to make sense. Jensen had reacted the way Jared would have protecting Jensen the only way he thought he could by pushing him away.
"Jay man. Jensen’s house man it was like it was abandon. The lawn not mowed. Inside it’s almost empty except his bedroom. It’s a shrine to you man. It’s like he just gave up on life." Steve said turning away when he felt the sting of tears starting to fill his eyes. Jared pulled both men into a group hug. "We will fix this and we will get our Jensen back." He vowed.
Christian pulled back from the hug. "Jared you know we haven’t always seen eye to eye but I know Jensen loves you has always loved you since you two met. Me and Steve we have your back on this no questions. You understand what I am saying Stretch?" The fierce glare in Christian's storm blue eyes made a chill creep down Jared’s spine. Christian Kane could be one scary mother fucker when he wanted to be. Once he let you into his close circle of family you included in Christian explosive over protective nature. Steve was the only person who could get Christian to back down only because Steve could be even scarier when he was pissed.
"Thanks guys. Shit it’s late. Why don’t you go home and get some sleep." Jared said giving both men a tight hug. Jensen’s eyes blinked open as he woke up. Looking around through sleepy morning eyes his gaze went to Jared who was snorting slightly slumped in the chair next to Jensen’s bed. Hospital chairs weren’t the most comfortable places to fall asleep for an average size man. They were ten times worse when you were an extra large Padalecki size man. A short pudgy nurse hustled into the room glancing at Jared sleeping in the cramped chair. "Ouch that can’t be comfortable at all." She looked up at Jensen. "You are a very luck young man to have someone love you that much to stay all night in a little chair." She said moving around check Jensen’s IV and writing on his chart. "Yeah I am lucky. He’s going to be hurting when he wakes up would it be possible to get him some aspirins?" Jensen asked giving the older woman a weak smile. "I’ll see what I can scare up for him. He a coffee drinker?" Jensen nodded. "I’ll bring him a cup from the nurses’ lounge." She said with a smile giving Jensen a motherly tap on the on the cheek.
"Hey Jared wake up. Dude wake up before they have to put you in traction just to straighten you out." Jensen picked up Jared hand shaking it as hard as he could to wake the bigger man up. Jared’s eye popped open his face scrunched in discomfort. "Oh shit! I feel like a pretzel." Jared grimaced as he pushed his stiff body up right. The nurse bustled into the room with a steaming cup of coffee and dropped to aspirin into Jared big hand. "Here yah go young man. Dr. Patrick will be in shortly speak to Mr. Ackles." She said rushing out again.
"How you feeling baby?" Jared asked popping the pain pills into his mouth and swallowing down a sip of coffee. "Better than I have been in a long time." Desperately Jensen grabbed Jared. "Jared God you must hate me. You should hate me. I am so sorry this mess is all my fault. All I could think of was you dying because of me." Tears streamed down Jensen’s face. "I love you. Everything I did was because I love you."
Jared reached out cupping Jensen’s face in his big hands brushing the tears away with his thumb. "I could never hate you Jen. Even when I thought you fucked Steve and Chris to get back at me I couldn’t hate you. I ached everyday we’ve been apart. I am so sorry you had to go through this. But you know now and whoever is doing this doesn’t stand a chance against us together. Baby I love you so much." Jared leaned over Jensen pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
A discrete cough from the door made them pull apart. Jensen blushed like a teenager Jared smiled sheepishly at Dr. Patrick. "I can see Mr. Ackles must be feeling better." The doctor said with grin. "I feel better than I have for a while. When can I go home?" Jensen asked lacing his fingers through Jared’s who had sat on the edge of the hospital bed.
Carr Smith stopped just outside Jensen’s room peering through the crack of the door. When Ackles was going to be released was information he would need to put his plan into action. Kenneth had called him and explained God had given him another vision that Padalecki was beyond redemption and the only choice of action was to send both Jared and Jensen to perdition where they belong. Sandra McCoy’s pure soul needed to be protected against scandal her brief association with Padalecki would create.
"I don’t see why you could not get out of here today provided you have someone who can stay with you for a few days." Dr. Patrick scribbled a note on Jensen’s chart. "Won’t let him out of my sight Doc." Jared eagerly answered. Carr smiled to himself walking toward the elevators.
Chapter 8
Title: Making Circles 8/?
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: Love hurts, Love is stubborn, and love is
Full of need and anger. Righteousness is a love warped
Beyond everything.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: NC-17, homophobia
Notes: Just an idea that popped into my head listening to
Kane’s song ‘Making Circles’ the explicit version
Disclaimer: as usual my twisted brain has the boys doing
naughty things to each other.
Chapter Text
Steve came out of the bathroom a smirk on his face seeing his lover sprawled out on their bed sheet twisted around tangled with his limbs. Christian was lying on his stomach his face buried into the pillow Steve’s head had just been on before he went to the bathroom. Moving slowly Steve crawled up the bed until he settled himself against Christian's back between his legs. Nuzzling the thick mane of hair from Christian’s neck with his nose Steve pressed open mouthed kisses along the relaxed shoulders. He drew in a deep breath enjoying the sleep warm spicy sent that was all Christian. Teasing his tongue along the shell of Christian’s ear. "MMM. You always smell so tasty." Steve whispered nipping the earlobe. Moaning Christian wiggled his butt back against the hard cock sliding against it. Turning his head his blue eyes still half closed Christian rubbed his lips against Steve’s. "Morning baby." Christian murmured. He felt Steve start to buck against him his thick cock riding along the crack of Christian’s ass. He spread his legs more so that the leaking tip was dragging against his stretched hole. "Fuck me. Jesus. Fuck me." Christian hiss pushing up on his arms so Steve could get a better angle. "I can go make breakfast if you wanted to have a religious moment?" Steve teased gripping Christian’s hip. "If you don’t fuck me now, I might kill you for waking me up." Christian growled pushing back against Steve. Spreading Christian ass cheeks easing his cock inside the tight heat making both men moan. When Christian bucked back trying to force a faster pace Steve grabbed his thick man of hair in a tight fist giving it a gentle yank. "This is my show lover. We go slow." Steve leaned into Christian nipping his shoulder. "Steve. Fuck. Steve." Christian panted reaching back lacing his fingers with Steve’s on his hip. "Love you. Love you so fucking much Christian." Steve kissed along his neck as he slowly picked up the pace of his thrusts as they both raced toward completion. With one last hard thrust on target Steve spilled his cum inside Christian tight channel. The both collapsed down on to the bed sweat cooling on their bodies. Morning sex was always the best way to start the day in Steve’s worldly opinion. Turning on his side Christian propped his head on one hand and left the other to trace circles on Steve’s chest.
Leaning down he pressed a kiss over Steve’s heart. "I love you." He whispered. Brushing a strand of hair from Christian’s shoulder. "What are we going to do about Jensen? We all let him down so much. He needed us and we just walked away." Steve said guilt thick in his voice.
"We do right by him now. Tell him we are sorry and hope he can forgive us. But regardless of whether Jensen does forgive us or not. We find the fucker who did this and we end him." Christian growled scowl set on his handsome face.
Jared had called Jeff to let him know he was going to be taking some time off to be with Jensen. Jeff offered to let them stay at his hunting cabin for as long as they needed. He also said anything he could do to help find the asshole he would do. "I’ll let you know if there is anything. Jensen doesn’t want to go to the cops about this. He took a lot of knocks from the press when the divorce went through. I don’t think he is strong enough right now to handle the attention reporting this would bring." Jared looked up to watch Jensen shuffle out of the bathroom tying the hospital robe around his middle.
"Let me call an old friend of mine he used to be a US Marshal see what he can do. Laz is a freelance security consultant now." Jeff said starting to flip through his rolodex. "Thanks Jeff I’ll be in touch." Jared hung up turning his attention to Jensen. "Soon as Kane gets here with some clothes we can blow this pop stand." Jared snagged Jensen’s hand pulling him to sit on his lap.
Jensen rested his forehead against Jared’s temple. "There is a lot of shit going on. Someone doesn’t want you to be with me. I saw the pictures of you and Sandy. You looked happy Jared. Maybe this person isn’t wrong." The fear and doubt in Jensen’s voice cut into Jared’s heart.
"I was existing. Sandy was just a friend and something familiar when my life was turned inside out. This person is deluded if he thinks just because I am not with you I am going to want to settle for someone because of their gender." "I hurt so bad inside Jared. I am tired of being so scared, of being alone. Tired of wanting something that wasn’t my place to want in the first place. If not being with me keeps you safe then that’s what I am going to do. I love you and I’d rather have you alive and with Sandy then cold and dead in a grave because of me."
"The Hell you are! The only way to get away from me is you killing me. Because I sure as hell am not letting you go again!" Jared pulled Jensen into a hard angry kiss. Jensen surrender into the kiss wrapping his arms tightly around Jared’s neck. He could feel Jared’s teeth scrapping his lips taste the faint tang of blood, his and Jared’s fill his mouth. The need for air burned in Jensen’s lungs when he finally reluctantly broke the kiss.
"You guys know this is a hospital and not a motel right?" Steve asked jokingly as he and Christian walked into the room. Jared threw back his head and laughed Jensen blushed a pretty shade of pink.
Finding someone who knew how to mix the right chemicals together to make an effective explosion was easier then Carr thought it would be. He didn’t even have to venture into the seedier side of town to get it. Just a few pointed question to the grounds keeper at the church was all it took. Soon Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki would not be an issue and Sandy McCoy could move onto the life God had planned for her.
Chapter 9
Title: Making Circles 9/?
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: Love hurts, Love is stubborn, and love is
Full of need and anger. Righteousness is a love warped
Beyond everything.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: NC-17, homophobia
Notes: Just an idea that popped into my head listening to
Kane’s song ‘Making Circles’ the explicit version
Disclaimer: as usual my twisted brain has the boys doing
naughty things to each other.
Chapter Text
Laz Alonso and his partner Domenick Lombardozzi pulled their SUV into the driveway of Jensen Ackles house. Each man climbed out of the vehicle with sharp eyes taking in their surroundings. Making a mental note of secure ability of the area. "That could be a problem." Domenick pointed at how Jensen’s attached garage had a long rectangular window that a medium built man could slip through with ease.
"Let’s see what the situation is. We maybe over thinking already. Jeff was pretty vague about everything when he called." Laz knocked on the door. Jeffrey Dean Morgan got up from his seat at the kitchen table where he was sharing pictures of his hunting cabin with Jensen and Jared when there was a knock on the door. Peeking out of window. "It’s Laz and Nick." Jeff led the two men into the kitchen.
"Jared. Jensen. Meet two good friends of mine. Laz Alonso and Domenick Lombardozzi. Both are former US Marshall’s with fugitive squad." Jared stood up offering his hand. "Jared Padalecki. This is my husband Jensen Ackles." Jared introduces Jensen who shook the two new comer’s hands but shyly remained slightly behind Jared. The men sat down and Jensen filled them in on what he had been receiving in the mail on bi-weekly bases for the last six months. He had stacks of envelopes stuffed with photos of Jared with Sandy. Jared smiling. Jensen never really looked past the smile. But now sitting at the table with Jared he noticed Jared’s eyes in the photos. The usually impish hazel orbs were dark and sad. The smile never reaching his eyes, making each smile seem forced. Jared smiled because that was what was expected of him at that moment. The realization made Jensen unbelievably sad and angry at who ever had done this to them.
"Well whoever this is knew the best way to turn the knife in your heart. The question is why did they feel the need to continue sending the photos of Jared? Was it just to show you he was happy without you? Or is it just to torture you?" Laz asked "Who is she?" Nick pointed at Sandy.
"That’s Sandy McCoy. We dated in high school and then after the divorce I ran into at a flower shop." Jared answered threading his finger with Jensen’s when the shorter man tried to move away from him.
"Do you think she might have anything to do with this?" Laz asked. "No! Sandy? No she wouldn’t." Jared answered a little too quickly for Jensen’s comfort. "She did show back up in your life right after the divorce." Jensen said quietly. "Sandy is a nice woman!" Jared defended.
Laz shot Jeff a look and he responded with a nod getting up and going into the other room. He called his computer tech Aldis Hodge. "Hey kid I need you to run a back ground on a Sandra McCoy."
Alan Ackles took a deep breath before getting out of his car. Anytime he had to speak with his half brother Kenneth it was like walking through a field of land mines. Kenneth resented the fact that their father had married Alan’s mother. Kenneth held the fact that he had achieved even greater wealth and business success then their father over Alan. He never missed an opportunity to point out he became a success without the help of the Ackles name. Alan didn’t know what Kenneth wanted to discuss but he was sure there would be a fair amount of gloating over Jensen’s divorce. Kenneth was of the ultra conservative Christian Right elk and never missed a chance to spout his religious views of Alan’s children. Plastering a friendly business like grin on his face Alan stepped inside Bailey Properties reception area.
The pretty slightly pudgy receptionist looked up when Alan entered greeting him with a bright friendly smile. "Hello Welcome to Bailey Properties." "Hello young lady. I am Alan Ackles here is see my brother Kenneth. He should be expecting me." He bit the inside of his cheek when her eyes went wide when he said Kenneth was his brother. "I’ll let him know you are here."
Kenneth had seen Alan pull up from his office window. He ground his teeth a little as he watched his younger brother emerge from his Lexus looking like Hollywood’s idea of the handsome older business man. His dark brown hair graying at the temples, with crow’s feet laugh lines at the corners of his eyes. Alan was everything Kenneth wasn’t. "Mr. Bailey Alan Ackles is here to see you." The receptionist announced over the phone. "Send him in Janet." Kenneth pulled out two whiskey glasses from his desk drawer setting them on top. "Hello Alan." "Hello Kenneth."
Jensen tilted his face up into the hot spray of the shower. The steam was filling his lungs relaxing him. Listening to the water hitting the shower wall Jensen didn’t hear Jared come into the bathroom until he open the shower door stepping in behind him. Jensen let Jared wrap himself around him surrendering his weight against the taller man. "Missed you so much baby. Love you so much." Jared whispered against Jensen’s ear as he licked a path down the slim neck. "Jared. Jared please make me feel whole again." Jensen begged reaching back threading his fingers through Jared wet chocolate man. Turning his head he offered his lips to his lover. Spinning Jensen around Jared captured his hands in his pinning the above his head. He looked down into the pleading green gold orbs. Leaning down Jared snagged Jensen’s plump bottom lip between his teeth biting down gently until Jensen moaned. Sliding his hands down Jared cupped Jensen firm ass spreading the cheeks so the water sloshed down between them grinding his hard throbbing cock against Jensen’s. "What do you want baby? What do you need?" Jared asked against Jensen’s lips. "Need to feel you Jay. Please fuck me." Jensen begged his tongue lapping along Jared’s chin. Long talented fingers teased Jensen’s hole dipping in just a tip inside the retreating. Jared chuckled when Jensen growled at him. Squeezing some lube onto his fingers Jared worked Jensen open. Slipping his forearms under Jensen’s thigh Jared picked up his lover impaling him on his thick hard cock. "Oh Fuck!" Jensen shouted wrapping his arms around Jared’s neck slamming his ass down as Jared thrust up. Their union was harsh, frantic and needy leaving them both weak and boneless when they came.
Carr Smith rolled his car to a stop four houses down from Ackles place. In the back seat he all he needed to set the explosion.
Chapter 10
Title: Making Circles 10/?
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: Love hurts, Love is stubborn, and love is
Full of need and anger. Righteousness is a love warped
Beyond everything.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: NC-17, homophobia
Notes: Just an idea that popped into my head listening to
Kane’s song ‘Making Circles’ the explicit version
Disclaimer: as usual my twisted brain has the boys doing
naughty things to each other.
Chapter Text
A huge full moon hung low in the night sky. The street was quiet and very dark at 2am. Carr glanced down at his watch before getting out of his car. The two explosives he made were small and easy to carry in a brown bag. They were two green soda bottles he had fished out of the church trash can careful not to handle them with his bare hands. Looking around just to be sure no lights were on in the neighborhood. Carr walked quickly toward the Ackles house.
Kevin Norton grabbed the carton of milk out of his fridge not bothering with a glass he went to stand at his kitchen window. It was 2am and he was awake for the third time this week when he should be to exhausted to even open his eyes. Every time Kevin fell asleep his nightmares jarred him wide awake again. They were just another symptom of his PTSD from serving two tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. A sudden movement caught Kevin’s attention. A figure in dressed in dark clothing slip between the two houses across the street. They were caring a paper sack with them. Kevin watched them for a moment as they looked around like a scared rabbit waiting to be pounced on. Something about the person made the hairs on the back of Kevin’s neck stand up. The person crouched down next the last house taking something out of the bag. "Ok that’s not suspicious at all." Kevin mumbled sarcastically when the person turned running back down the street after leaving whatever was in the bag tucked next to the house. Leaving his house Kevin made a slow limping jog across the street. He glanced down the street to see where the person went but all he saw was tail lights. Walking along the side of the house Kevin could smell the acid tang of fertilizer and ammonia of a homemade bomb. "Shit!"
The sound of someone pounding on the back door filtered into Jensen consciousness. Jared was draped over his back his sweaty head pillowed between Jensen’s shoulder blades as his big body pinned Jensen to the bed. Jensen wiggled trying to buck Jared off him when he heard the sound of something crashing through a window. "Jared wake up. Someone just broke in." Jensen pushed Jared hard.
The sound of someone charging up the stairs shouting had Jared and Jensen scrambling. "Wake up! You have to get out of the house! Someone put a bomb on your near the house!" Kevin yelled. "Bomb! Did he just say bomb?" Jared asked charging toward the bedroom door. The door flew open Kevin stood bare chested in a pair of sweat shorts and tennis shoes. "Come on you got to get out of the house. Someone put a bomb near your house!" "Who the fuck are you?" Jared asked pushing Jensen behind him. "Neighbor. Look we have get out of here." Kevin snarled. "Look I didn’t survive an IED in Iraq to come home and get blown to shit in my idiot neighbors house. Move!" They made it about ten yards from the house when the bomb went off.
The blast threw all three men to the ground. Kevin crawled over to the men doing his best to shield them from the falling debris with his own body. Jared had the same idea and wrapped his much bigger body around Kevin and Jensen. In the distance the sound of sirens grew louder. "Fuck! Shit!" Kevin swore moving stiffly. His hip throbbed where he had landed hard on the ground. After the explosion in Iraq his right hip had been crushed. He was now 32 with an artificial hip, but at least he still had his leg.
Jared cupped Jensen’s face looking down into his frighten green eyes. "You ok baby?" Jensen nodded leaning against Jared. By the time Steve and Christian arrived Jensen and Jared were wrapped in blankets sitting on the bumper of an ambulance. Their white knight was sitting on a gurney hissing as the EMT poked at his hip. Laz and Nick arrived shortly after them. Nick went to talk to the fireman on the scene. Laz went to Jensen and Jared. "Guys you ok?"
"Yeah we are thanks to our guardian angel here." Jared pointed at Kevin. "I am no one’s guardian angel." Kevin scoffed. "Bullshit! You ran into a house you knew was about to blow up dude. Got us both out before it could. Dude you are a hero." Jared reached out clapping Kevin on the shoulder.
"Did you see the device?" Laz asked turning his attention to Kevin. "Looked like a standard gardener special fertilizer mix bomb. Pretty sure there were two on a simple timer." Kevin answered as he fought back the nausea the shot of pain medicine the EMT gave cause before it started to work.
Smith rushed inside his house turning the TV on to see if there was any news about the explosion. Kenneth Bailey would be pleased that Padalecki and Ackles were out of the picture. Sandy would be sad he was sure but she was a strong woman of faith, she would move on. As her pastor Carr would do everything in his power to help Sandy in her time of emotional need. "Channel 3 Action News has just confirmed there was a house explosion in a suburb just outside Dallas. Fire and rescue are on the scene. Channel 3's own Molly Glen is also on the scene to report."
Christian Kane pushed his way past the on lookers, glaring at the fresh face rookie who tried to stop him from crossing the yellow tape. Steve followed closely behind him. Jeffrey Dean was already there walking toward them. "Kane calm down. Listen." It took Laz and Nick a while to convince the detective in charge to go along with their plan. As far as the public would know Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles and the good Samaritan who tried to save them perished in the house explosion. If whoever the God fearing stalker was if he thought the explosion killed them he would make a mistake. Sitting in the back of a black police van Jared held Jensen next to him. "I feel like I just woke up in the long running plot of Days of Our Lives or something." Jensen chuckled.
"Yeah when this is done we’ll find out we are really twin brothers and Kevin here is really our grandfather." The three men laughed.
"All three people inside the house are believed to be dead. Fire Marshall Marcus Landtree says it could take weeks to confirm the cause of the explosion." The pretty blonde reporter concluded her report. Carr felt his heart jump with pride. >
Chapter 11
Title: Making Circles 11/?
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: Love hurts, Love is stubborn, and love is
Full of need and anger. Righteousness is a love warped
Beyond everything.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: NC-17, homophobia
Notes: Just an idea that popped into my head listening to
Kane’s song ‘Making Circles’ the explicit version
Disclaimer: as usual my twisted brain has the boys doing
naughty things to each other.
Chapter Text
Kenneth looked at his reflection in the rear view mirror before he climbed out of his car. He of course would have all the right words to say to his brother’s grieving family. He had called Sandra who was too upset to speak after hearing new of Padalecki’s death on the TV news. Kenneth was confident that the young woman would rebound quickly and seek a more suitable God fearing young man as a suitor.
The Ackles house was filled with close family and friends of Jensen’s and Jared. Jared’s parents had just arrived all were devastated that their sons who had been so in love even after their divorce had died together in a freak house explosion. The police and firemen had no answers for the families about the cause of the explosion, which made the whole situation worse.
Mackenzie Ackles clung to her brother Josh as she sobbed into his neck. While Megan Padalecki sat curled into her brother Jeff as both girls cried for their brothers. Only Alan and Donna Ackles and Gerry and Sharon Padalecki besides those at the scene of the explosion knew the Jensen and Jared were very much alive. Nick and Laz had made it very clear that their son’s lives were very much at stake if whoever planted the bomb didn’t believe that they had died. Everyone was looking at everyone with a suspicious eye.
Both men along with the police felt that whoever the bomber was he was close to one of the families. There were very few people who even knew Jensen and Jared had reconnected after Jensen’s accident. That fact also posed the question of whether the bomber was only intended to kill Jensen or if Jared was also a target. A fact in the favor that both men were targets was the fact that all the letters Jensen had been sent threatened Jared’s life not his.
Jared’s business partner Jeffrey Dean Morgan had stepped forward to be the Padalecki and Ackles families’ spokes person to handle the press. Jensen’s boss Misha Collins had called in his own private security to help keep the press and surprisingly a group of protesters that had gathered outside the Ackles home.
"Donna I just heard about Jensen. What a horrible tragedy for you. A child never thinks their bad choices will affect their family." Kenneth walked up to his sister in-law pulling her into a reluctant hug.
Though he didn’t come right out and say Jensen was dead because he was gay, Donna knew that’s what he had meant. A feeling to disgust crawled over Donna as she quickly extradited herself from Kenneth’s embrace. "Thank you for coming Kenneth." Donna said stepping around her brother in-law to speak with her eldest son Josh.
Josh let Donna take Mack from him. He glared at Kenneth. The man was his uncle, Jensen’s uncle, his father’s older half brother. But he was a homophobic, religious zealot; nasty bigoted asshole as far as Josh was concerned.
"Why is he here? Thought he’d be more comfortable outside with the protesters then in here?" Josh asked his father who handed him glass of brandy.
"Kenneth is all about imagine. He called me to his office a few days ago had tabloids with Jensen’s divorce scattered all over. Said he was concerned at the reports that Jensen was suicidal because of Jared going back to the right path." Alan answered though gritted teeth.
"Asshole." Josh growled.
A Cessna with five passengers’ and a pilot landed at a private air strip just south of Billings at 3 am. Thanks to Jeffrey Dean and his friends Alonso and Lombardozzi, Jensen and Jared were able to slip out of Texas. As the sun crept into the sky Christian pulled the SUV on to the private road leading to Jeff’s hunting cabin just on the edge of Glazer National Park.
The hunting cabin was actually a two story log home with glorious views of white capped mountains and overlooking a crystal blue lake. "Holy Crap! If this is what Morgan calls a hunting cabin what the fuck does his house look like?" Christian asked sliding out of the truck.
Jared laughed. "Wait until you see the inside. Place has stone fire places in all six bedrooms and in the living room. Even had a fucking antler chandelier."
Jeff had hosted a retreat for a couple of their bigger clients at the cabin two months ago. Jared was still in awe at the beauty of the land and the house. Jeff’s family had actually owned the land since the early 70’s. He had pictures hanging up showing how the Morgan’s developed the land and home. The cabin was the first thing Jeff ever designed.
Kevin rubbed his throbbing hip as he limped into the living room. After taking in the beautiful surrounding with equal parts of awe and envy. Kevin frowned at the floor to ceiling glass wall that looked out on to the lake. Making securing and defending a very hard job. It was like an open invite to anyone to take a shot at whoever was in the living room. He jumped a little are an arm dropped along his shoulders. Kevin looked over at a serious looking Christian Kane.
"Great view but shit for defense." Christian smirked when Kevin cocked an eye brow at him. "I wasn’t always a country singer. Navy Seal two tours of Iraq." Christian said with a wink.
The master bedroom was dominated by a California King Size sleigh bed. A stone fire place took up one wall. A connecting room looked to be a dressing room and the bathroom had a Jacuzzi tub big enough for five Jared size people.
Jensen dropped his bags letting himself fall back across the big bed. "Jared I do love you, but I think I am going to have to marry Jeff." Jensen let out a squeak as Jared launched himself on top of him pinning him to the bed.
"Ditch me for creature comforts?" Jared looked around then grinned. "I think we should persuade Jeff to be our sugar Daddy."
Jensen wrapped his arms around Jared’s neck pressing a kiss to his lips. "I feel like crap that our families and friends think we are dead. I feel like we are letting the asshole win."
"Jeff said his guys are the best. They will find whoever it is and we can go back to our home and our lives baby." Jared whispered pressing a kiss to Jensen’s throat.
Chapter 12
itle: Making Circles 12/?
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: Love hurts, Love is stubborn, and love is
Full of need and anger. Righteousness is a love warped
Beyond everything.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: NC-17, homophobia
Notes: Just an idea that popped into my head listening to
Kane’s song ‘Making Circles’ the explicit version
Disclaimer: as usual my twisted brain has the boys doing
naughty things to each other.
Chapter Text
The funeral drew equal part of genuine mourners and protesters. Gerry Padalecki scanned the crowd gathered for some sign of the person who wanted his son dead. The two investigators Morgan had hired to look into the threats Jensen had been getting were in the crowd eyes sharply looking for the same thing Gerry was. The whole situation was surreal for him.
Laz slowly moved to the back of the sea of mourners his dark aviator’s hiding his watchful eyes. A movement caught his eye. Kenneth Bailey hovering near Sandra McCoy. Kenneth placed a comforting almost fatherly hand on her slightly shaking shoulder. Sitting behind McCoy was a young man with short cropped dark brown hair he reached out running his hand down her arm. The show of affection by both men was intriguing. The yelling from the group of protestors grew louder.
Jeff Padalecki clichéd his fists with a glance at Jensen’s older brother Josh they both started across the street. Jeff landed the first punch into the mouth of the old pastor with the mega phone. "Shut your mother fucking mouth! My brother is gone and you think you can curse him in the name of God?"
"Your brother let a faggot lead him into a life of sinful homosexuality and he and Ackles paid the price for their sins." Reverend Matthew Langston snarled back." Jeff went to throw another fist his arm was grabbed by Nick. "Break it up Padalecki!" Nick wasn’t quick enough to catch Josh’s fist that connected with one of the younger men standing with Langston. "Shit Ackles! Damn it!" Nick growled shoving Josh back.
The press snapped pictures of the scuffle with glee. Laz did his best to hold the most rabid of them back out of corner of his eye he saw Kenneth speaking to Sandy McCoy and a young man. How would Kenneth know Ms. McCoy? Jeff and Josh’s wives rushed across the street to their husbands. Donna and Sherry both held hands while chaos erupted around them. The stress of having one son in hiding and keeping that fact that they are alive a secret from the rest of the family was taking its toll on the two women.
"It’s just awful Carr. Jared is dead with Jensen. How does this happen?" Sandy asked sadly shaking her head. "I may not have agreed with the life style Jared chose, but he was a good kind man. When he talked about Jensen I could tell how much he had loved him. How could anyone kill them?"
Carr wrapped his arm around Sandy. "God has plans that are not our place to question Sandy." Carr thought about the bubbling happiness he had felt when he watched the news about the explosion. He had been God’s tool to deliver righteous justice on two blatant sinners. Kenneth might have the gift of dreams from God, but Carr served as God instrument of instruction of his laws and teachings. In Carr’s mind that made him even more powerful then Kenneth Bailey. After 30 years Carr Smith had found his true calling.
Shuffling into the kitchen in just a pair of loose fitting sweats Kevin open a few cabinets looking for coffee filters. Soon the smell of freshly brewed coffee filled the kitchen he sat in one of the large padded chairs watching the sun finish its trip into the sky. A large bull moose slow meandered up to the clear blue lake just fifty yards from the back patio of the house. It was the most majestic thing Kevin had ever seen.
"Holy Shit is that a moose?" Steve asked shuffling into the kitchen. Kevin turned and looked at him. Steve Carlson has dirty blonde hair that almost curled like ringlets to his shoulders. Crystal blue eyes that always seemed to be smiling at you. His easy going California hippie air was the exact opposite of Kane’s intense one. "I believe it is a moose or a just a deer on steroids." Kevin answered with a grin. Steve chuckled "You have jokes this early. How is the leg?" Steve asked sitting the chair opposite Kevin.
Rubbing his hips subconsciously Kevin took a sip of his coffee. "Hurts like a bitch, but that’s nothing new. So what’s the story with Jensen and Jared?"
Steve sighed. "It’s a long complicated story that isn’t mine to tell. Other than to say they are two of my best friends and someone really fucked them over."
"Ok then. How about you tell about you and the Navy Seal, long haired, country boy? No offense but you two seem like an odd couple to say the least." Kevin chuckled as a big smile split Steve’s face. "It’s not as romantic as the J’s love story. It’s pretty boring. When Christian came home from his last tour he ended up in LA. Wondered into a bar I was play at for open mic night. We talked jammed a little. Next thing we knew we had a band and were living inside each other pockets pretty much 24/7. Christian kind of brought Jen and Jay with him. He knew them from their college days." Steve laughed when Kevin cocked his eye brow. "I didn’t say Kane went to college. I meant he met them when they were in college." The two men sat in silence for a while watching the lazy moose drinking their coffee. They both turned around when they heard distinct moaning and thumb. Jensen stumbled into the kitchen eyes half open mumbling about coffee.
Even being straight Kevin had to admit Jensen with his short spiky hair going in every direction emerald eye at half mast and a scruffy morning beard was adorable. Jensen slumped down into a chair holding the steaming cup of coffee to his lips. He hated mornings, he loved sleeping and mornings always came and interrupted sleeping. He could feel Kevin and Steve’s eyes watching him. "Stop staring at me." Jensen snapped in a sleepy voice. "Grumpy and cute." Kevin teased laughing when Jensen flipped him off.
The moose wondered away by the time Christian and Jared joined them in the kitchen following the smell of eggs and bacon. The five men chatted and ate. The reason they had come to Montana seemly forgotten. Until Christian and Kevin started talking about walking the perimeter setting up some security measures.
Kenneth stepped out of the restroom of the country club were the funeral lunch was being held. The sound of Alan and Donna talking softly tucked away in a small office. Curious he stepped closer to listen. "I want to go to my baby. I need to know he and Jared are safe Alan. This whole situation is unbelievable." Donna sopped. "I know. But the police and the people Morgan hired said this is the best way to find whoever did this. We have to have faith in them. Jensen and Jared are with their friends and safely away at the cabin." Alan reassured his distraught wife wrapping his arms tightly around her. Turning away from the door Kenneth walked quickly out to his car.
Chapter 13
Title: Making Circles 13/?
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: Love hurts, Love is stubborn, and love is
Full of need and anger. Righteousness is a love warped
Beyond everything.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: NC-17, homophobia
Notes: Just an idea that popped into my head listening to
Kane’s song ‘Making Circles’ the explicit version
Disclaimer: as usual my twisted brain has the boys doing
naughty things to each other.
Chapter Text
Serena Swan taped the last surveillance picture to the white board. Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki’s funeral had brought out a pack of religious fanatics. Their stalking bomber could be any of them. But Serena’s gut told her it was someone closer to Ackles then that. A picture of Kenneth Bailey and Sandra McCoy caught her attention. As far as anyone knew Kenneth Bailey never met Jared Padalecki’s ex. The picture gave a total different impression. From the photo they obviously had known each other for some time. The way the older man hovered and the look of devotion and concern on his face was more of a father to a child.
The church was virtually packed to the rafters with congregates there for bible study. Carr scanned the crowd he was a little disappointed not to see Sandy among the crowd. Shaking off his disappointment Carr stepped up to the pulpit. This night he was forge his destiny as a righteous man of God fighting against all the ungodliness of society. "Lucifer has many guises. He is the consummate trickster. He waits, he watches looking for a weakness of spirit, an abhorrent deviance in character. It’s this weakness Lucifer sees that brings us such faith challenging movement like same sex marriage." Carr’s voice rang strong as applause came from the church members.
The lake was so clear it appeared like a pane of blue glass surrounded by green grass. Jensen thought it was the most peaceful beautiful scene he had ever experienced. Sitting on the massive deck in the most comfortable deck chair he had ever sat in Jensen realized this forced seclusion was the first vacation he and Jared had taken since they were married. It made him a little sad. Christian and Kevin had gone into town to do a little recon for any possible threats and to get more Jack Daniels. Apparently Jeff’s fully stocked bar didn’t have enough Jack in Christian opinion. Steve was doing his chef thing in the kitchen and banished everyone until it was finished. Jensen had left Jared play ‘Call of Duty Black Ops’ on the Xbox in the entertainment room and went to read on the deck. The sound of the sliding glass door opening behind him made Jensen jump. Jared walked out looking very relaxed in a pair of ancient tattered jeans; t-shirt and the leather flip flops Jensen despised.
Jensen scooted forward on the lounger to let Jared slid down behind him. "I hate those things on you big ass feet. You know they only make your feet look even more ridiculously gigantic." Jensen grossed settling back against Jared’s broad chest. "You know what they say about guys with big feet." Jared growled against Jensen’s ear. "They have big shoes." Jensen answered snarkley dissolving into a fit of giggle as Jared nipped his neck. "Hardy! Har! Har! Smartass. Just for that I am not going to let you suck my cock before dinner." Jared threat carried little heat. "Oh really. I didn’t know Steve had put oral sex on the menu for an appetizer." Jensen twisted around so he was straddling Jared’s lap. Threading his fingers through Jared thick mane pulling him close so their noses bumped. Jensen licked his lips letting his tongue brush Jared’s.
"I missed you so much. I died inside every time a picture came." Jared pulled Jensen down into a devouring kiss his big hand started to roam the familiar body. Jensen startled him by push him back the mischievous glint in his gold green eyes told Jared he was about to get his mind blown or possibly sucked out his dick. Nimble fingers worked the button and zipper. The feel of the air hitting his already feverish cock made Jared hiss. Jensen buried his nose along the side of his balls and thigh. His tongue many kitten like laps over the heavy sack. With just the tip of his tongue Jensen slowly traced the thick throbbing vein from base to the spongy mushroom head his eye locked with Jared’s. Pursing his lips Jensen swirled the leaking head between them. "OH FUCK! Jen." Jared moaned throwing his head back. Pulling off Jared with a pop Jensen gripped the hard flesh jacking it slowly. "You like that Jay? My mouth as hot as you remember?" Jensen asked his green eye smoldering with lust. "So fucking hot!" Jared pulled Jensen back up so he was in his lap again. "Love you so much. Need you to breath." Jared devoured Jensen lips.
Cora Beth Auckland Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s 73 year old nearest Montana neighbor parked her jeep at the end of his drive. She had seen the smoke coming from the chimney and thought she better get over to check and bring Morgan his mail. As she walked around to the back patio she stopped seeing the two young men in a heated embrace. "You youngsters should be careful having relations outside in broad daylight. Never know when a neighbor is going to drop by being nosy." Cora stifled a giggle as the two men jumped. The female voice was like a bucket of ice cold water.
Jensen jerked back sending himself tumbling off Jared’s lap on to the deck. Jared looked at the elderly woman sending at the stairs to the deck holding mail in one hand. Frantically he tried to do up his jeans. "Who the hell are you?" Jared snapped.
The old woman glared at him. "You are the one with his tally wacker hanging out for God and creation to see. So watch your mouth young man." Cora said wagging her finger at him.
Jared felt his face heat up with embracement shooting Jensen a glare when he laughed. "Sorry madam. Are you a neighbor of Jeff’s?"
"Cora Beth Auckland I am the closes neighbor to the east. Saw the smoke from the chimney so I brought Morgan’s mail. Are you and your young man friends of Morgan’s?" Getting to his feet Jensen extended his hand. "I am Jensen Ackles and this is my husband Jared Padalecki. We apologize for the public sex. We are kind of on our second honeymoon."
"Well if I was a dirty old woman I’d say thank you for the show." Cora smirked. "So thank you for the show boys. I’ll leave the mail with you. If you need anything I’m just down the road." Cora waved good bye started walking back to her jeep.
"I feel a little dirty right now." Jared dropped his head in shame. "I feel like we flashed my grandmother." Jensen shook his head as they both burst into embarrass laughter.
Carr snatched the phone up at the fifth ring. He was still riding high from the energy from the bible meeting at the church. "Reverend Smith." "We have to talk. Meet me at the park."
Chapter 14
Title: Making Circles 14/?
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: Love hurts, Love is stubborn, and love is
Full of need and anger. Righteousness is a love warped
Beyond everything.
Warning: NC-17, homophobia
Notes: Just an idea that popped into my head listening to
Kane’s song ‘Making Circles’ the explicit version
Disclaimer: as usual my twisted brain has the boys doing
naughty things to each other.
Chapter Text
Nick stayed at a good distance from Bailey’s car as he followed him. There was something off about Alan Ackles older half brother. The way he got all jumpy half way through the wake for Ackles and Padalecki was strange enough Laz wanted him followed. Alan had told them Kenneth hadn’t been raised an Ackles that their father hadn’t even acknowledge him until Kenneth was in his twenties.
The silver Mercedes swung into the parking lot of the park, parking at the far end. Nick circled around to the road that ran just above the lot on a hill and parked. About five minutes later a light tan Toyota pulled into the lot parking next the Mercedes. A dark haired man got out of the Toyota getting into the Mercedes passenger seat.“Well, well the mystery man from the wake. What are you meeting with Bailey for?” Nick mumbled to himself.
“Ok I am here. What’s so important?” Carr asked in a huff.
“Jensen and giant faggot husband are not dead.” Kenneth snapped.
“What? Jensen’s house exploded. The news and fire investigators said no one survived.” Carr felt the bottom of his stomach drop. He started to gag throwing open the car he threw up.
Kenneth looked at the man with disgust. “Get a hold of yourself Smith.” Kenneth reached into his suit jacket. “Here wipe your face.” He handed Carr his hand embroider handkerchief.
“What are we going to do?” Carr asked his voice cracking.
“We aren’t going to do anything. You are going to go to Montana and fix this.” Kenneth handed Carr a piece of paper with Jeffrey Dean Morgan Montana address.
“They are hiding in Montana? You’re sure?”
“My sister in-law is very worried mother as is Padalecki’s they talk without making sure someone is listening in.” Kenneth answered smugly.
Nick called Laz. “Hey Bailey is meeting with the dark haired guy who came with Sandy McCoy to the wake.”
“Serena just found out that Kenneth Bailey has known Ms. McCoy since she was a toddler. He’s like an unofficial uncle.”
“Bet Bailey heard all about the heartbreak when Padalecki followed his dick to Ackles ass.” Nick said watching the man get out of Bailey’s vehicle and back into his own. “So which one do I follow?”
Laz watched Serena walk back into the room with two coffees. “Follow the mystery man. I am going to send Serena to snoop around Bailey.”
It was 40 miles to the nearest town the lodge. Bitter Root wasn’t a one street town but it was still the type that rolled it’s sidewalks up at dusk each night. There was one bar at one end of main street and towering Protestant church at the other end. There were even three old men sitting some picnic table’s playing cards outside the local hardware store. It reminded Kevin of a Norman Rockwell painting. Kevin hated small towns.
“You look a little weirded out there slick.” Christian looked over at Kevin who was just about squirming in his seat.
“Small towns make my skin itch. Can’t hide in a small town, can’t be anonymous in a small town.” Kevin answered looking out the truck window.
They walked into the one grocery slash liquor store all the people inside stopped to watch them. Christian ignored the attention; Kevin ground his teeth in irritation. It only took them a few minutes to gather what they needed and head for the cash register. Kevin kept his eyes down. Christian gave the grey haired sixtyish cashier a big good ol’ boy smile.
“Afternoon Darling.” Christian said his blue eyes twinkling.
“You’re boys staying out at Morgan’s place?” it was more of a statement then a question.
“That would be us.” Christian confirmed ignored the well placed elbow from Kevin. Leaning over the counter slightly Christian whispered low “We are all old college having kind of having boys only vacation hunting, fishing and drinking. Don’t get to get away with without the family much these days. So you wouldn’t tell anyone would you, Margie?” reading the woman’s name tag, Christian leaned back with a wink.
Margie blushed a little at Christian shameless flirting. “A bodies business is his own in this town handsome.” Margie replied with a wink of her own.
Shaking his head as they climbed back into the truck. “So flirting with old women in grocery stores standard recon for a Navy Seal these days?”
Christian shook his head with a laugh. “Oh that not a Seal thing it’s a southern boy thing son.”
Steve was still laughing at Jared and Jensen getting caught sexing it up on the deck when Christian and Steve finally got back from town. But as Jensen reminded Steve he and Christian had an equally embarrassing moment when they first got together.
“At least we got caught by a neighbor in the wilds of Montana and not Loretta Lynn in the Sony Studio woman’s restroom.” Steve blushed flipping Jensen a middle finger.
“Dude you got caught having sex the ‘Coal Miners Daughter’?” Kevin asked his jaw dropping.
Christian shrugged. “Yeah.” He grabbed a coffee cup from the cupboard.
Crossing the Wyoming state line into Montana Smith gripped the stirring wheel tightly his knuckles turning white. His heart raced every time a state patrol car drove past, sweat gathering on his upper lips. When his cell phone rang Carr nearly drove off the road as the shrilling sound echoed inside the car.
“Shit! Fuck!” Carr swore pulling to the side of the road. Taking a calming breath he answered. “Reverend Smith.”
“Have you arrived yet?” Kenneth’s voice was deep and raspy.
“Just crossed the Montana state line. Should be another three hours or so.”
“Good. Keep me posted as you proceed.” Kenneth hung up before Carr could respond.
Serena kept her head down. To anyone looking she was just another business woman flipping through her day planner waiting for the valet to bring her car. She was watching Kenneth Bailey as he paced the short hall leading to the country clubs conference rooms. When he turned and walked back toward her Serena took two steps deliberately twisting her ankle so she would fall into Bailey.
“Ouch! Oh My God!” Serena called
“Careful Madame.” Bailey said catching her before Serena fell completely to the floor.
Chapter 15
Title: Making Circles 15/?
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: Love hurts, Love is stubborn, and love is
Full of need and anger. Righteousness is a love warped
Beyond everything.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: NC-17, homophobia
Notes: Just an idea that popped into my head listening to
Kane’s song ‘Making Circles’ the explicit version
Disclaimer: as usual my twisted brain has the boys doing
naughty things to each other.
Chapter Text
Long graceful fingers combed through Christian’s thick mahogany mane. Steve loved playing with his lover’s hair. He played with the thick strains that felt like silk without consciously thinking about doing it most of the time. He loved the way it curled when Christian was hot and sweaty. The way Christian always brushed it from his face with the annoyed look on his face always made Steve’s dick hard. So used to it Christian just continued to watch the recap of the Daytona on ESPN. Steve was watching too making snarky comments about how the race all the while his fingers carded through Christian’s hair.
It was possibly the most intimate thing Kevin had ever seen that didn’t involve one of the parties engaged in it being naked. Kevin watched the scene until a shrill of the telephone made everyone jump just a little. Jensen and Jared looking refreshed and rumbled. Jensen sporting a spectacular dark reddish purple hicky on his neck that slipped down below the V of his t-shirt. When Jared bent over to grab a hand full of chips from the bowl on the coffee table long red fingernail scratch peaked out where his shirt road up on his back.
"Morgan’s Love Shack all rooms are currently occupied." Steve answered barely keeping the laughter from his voice. "Anyone gets cum stains on my furniture they are paying for the cleaning." Jeff chuckled over his stern warning.
Steve looked over at Kevin. "Jeff says if you get cum stains on his furniture you have to pay for the cleaning." The shocked look on Kevin’s face was priceless. The others all broke out into laughter. "So why did you call papa bear?" Steve asked after the laughter had died down.
"Just checking in on my boys. Laz has some ideas about who might be behind this mess. He should be calling you guys soon. How are Jay and Jensen?" Jeff asked Steve looked over at the two men. Jensen had sat down in one of overstuffed leather chairs Jared sat between his legs on the floor. Jensen was massaging Jared’s broad shoulders. "They are doing well. But they did get caught doing the nasty on your deck by your neighbor lady."
"Cora? She must have loved that." Jeff laughed his neighbor had the canny ability to arrive at his place when someone was getting intimate and catching an eye full. "Let me talk to the big guy." Steve handed Jared the telephone.
"Hey Jeff. How is everything? Did the Kimball project get up and running?" "Kimball gave us the green light. I am handling everything until your issues are resolved then I am dropping the groping widow Kimball in your lap fair warning. How is Jensen doing? The two of have actually talked right? Not just fucked." Jeff asked his voice gruff and parental. "We have talked a bit. We will be doing more when this bastard is caught." Jared reached up behind him cupping Jensen’s neck pulling him down so his cheek rested against his as he talked to Jeff.
Fingering the business card of the beautiful Serena Swan had given him Kenneth smiled. After he had rescued her from taking a fall the young woman had given him her card saying they should do lunch some time. Kenneth always did have a soft spot for pretty business women. They were usually tough in the boardroom and wild cats in the bed room. Kenneth picked up his phone to call his investigator to run a back ground check on the lovely Ms. Swan. The computer on Laz was working pinged. He had a program that alerted him every time a background check was done on one of his people. Seemed Bailey was checking up on Serena. The cover identity for the beautiful blue eye tracker was she was a business executive with an investment company out of Dallas. Graduated from Cornell with Master Degree in Business. They used her real name because it was easiest and it really wasn’t her birth name. The Wayside Motel was about ten miles outside Bitter Root Carr pulled let himself into the last room on the end the furthest from the office.
The room was dingy with nicotine stained mid 80’s wall paper that clashed with vintage 70’s bed spread on the double bed. The room telephone was actually a rotary dial. The room was like stepping into a schizophinic time machine. Digging out his cell phone Carr called Kenneth to give him a report.
A loud clap of thunder shook the house as fat rain drops started to patter against the deck catching all five men be surprise at the suddenness of the storm. While the four other rushed inside to get out of the rain Kevin remained. Tilting his face up, closing his eye he let the rain hit him. A flash of lightening lit the sky up like a sudden spot light was arced through the sky. A big hand landing on his shoulder startled Kevin enough he swung around his fist cocked ready for a fight. "Whoa there!" Jared said his hands up. "Just wanted you to come in before you get struck by lightning. "Sorry Dude! Yeah I’m coming." The big grin on Jared’s face made Kevin wish he had picked his words more carefully. "Fuck off Gigantic asshole." "Well if you want a little assistance with that cumming we’re always available to help." Jared said dodging the playfully swat.
Chapter 16
Title: Making Circles 16/?
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: Love hurts, Love is stubborn, and love is
Full of need and anger. Righteousness is a love warped
Beyond everything.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: NC-17, homophobia
Notes: Just an idea that popped into my head listening to
Kane’s song ‘Making Circles’ the explicit version
Disclaimer: as usual my twisted brain has the boys doing
naughty things to each other.
Chapter Text
Being caught off guard when you are following someone is the last thing a person doing the following wants. When you are confronted by someone who is on your team it really throws you of kilter. Nick was sitting in his car discreetly a block down from where Serena was having a lunch date with Kenneth Bailey. He looked away for a moment and Serena was at his car door her hands on her shapely hips.
Kenneth had been watching the pedestrians walking past the café. He had the sense that someone was watching them. It was a feeling that only got stronger when Ms. Swan arrived. "Who are you?" he snapped out the question as soon as Serena stepped up to the small table. "Since you invited me to lunch I’d say you already know the answer to that." Serena answered not missing a beat taking a seat in the chair the waiter held out for her.
Kenneth flushed a little. "Sorry. I have just got the feeling that someone is watching me. Over my right shoulder there’s a dark sedan parked about a block down. Can you see him?" Serena’s expression didn’t betray her heart slamming inside her chest. Leaning over just a bit. Her mind raced with how to cover this. Jumping up she scowled. "I am so sorry Kenneth. But the man in that car isn’t following you he is following me. My ex-husband thinks he still has the right to know everything I am doing. Excuse me for moment." The slam of a feminine fist hitting the driver side window made Nick jump.
Serena scowled down at him. He saw Kenneth Bailey following her closely behind. "Woman what the Hell!" "Why are you following me? How much is he paying you to stalk me? I can have you arrested." Serena made a small spectacle of yelling at Nick for Bailey’s benefit. Getting out of the car holding his hands in front of him in a placating gesture. "Whoa sweetheart. You got it all wrong I’m not following you." Nick pointed to the new paper coffee stand on the corner. "I just got a cup of Joe and a magazine from the stand over there."
"Serena let's go back to the table. I am sure this gentleman understands if we see him again we will be pressing charges for stalking." Kenneth said grabbing Serena’s arm. Turning Serena looked at Kenneth. "Yes, you are right Kenneth." They walked back to their table. "I apologize Kenneth for making a scene. My ex-husband Charlie a very controlling man." Kenneth smiled at her with a glint of something that sent a shiver down Serena’s spine.
The teasing of a wet tongue tracing circles around his navel made Steve moan bucking up. "Damn what a way to wake up. You’re fucking mouth!" Steve groaned as Christian’s lips pursed around the aching purple head of his cock. Christian pulled off Steve’s dripping cock with a pop letting it hit his taught stomach with a wet smack. Moving up his fastened his lips against Steve’s. A musician’s skilled hands slid down his back cupping his ass as Christian let his hips roll rubbing their hard dicks together. Pre-cum left wet sticky trails across their stomachs as they each bucked their hips. "Fuck Steve!" Christian moaned as Steve’s long finger slipped past the tight ring of his ass hole. One short poke of his prostate and Christian shuddered spilling cum out over Steve’s cock and stomach mixing his cum with Steve’s. A loud bang on the bedroom made them both jump.
"Breakfast is ready anytime you horn dogs are ready." Kevin’s voice boomed through the door.
Jensen sat curled over his cup of coffee like he was afraid someone would swoop in and try and steal it from him. His light brown and gold cropped hair was sticking up at odd angles. Jared was humming as he flipped pancakes from the griddle onto a large serving platter. When Jared leaned over Jensen’s shoulder to place the platter on the table letting his big hand ghost down Jensen’s back. The older man’s head snapped up shooting him a glare. "My ass hurts buster back off! Your dick should be chaffed from overuse." Jensen snapped grumpily.
"Guys TMA. Please some of us don’t want to hear about gay sex first thing in the morning." Kevin said snagging three pancakes from the platter.
Pressing a wet kiss on Jensen temple Jared laughed. "Better have a soak in the hot tub after breakfast then honey. Because you know my big dick just loves your tight ass." Jared grunted as Jensen sharp elbow caught him in the gut.
Bitter Root was a very small town with only option for breakfast. The Tin Cup Café. Carr pushed the door open scanning the small diner and its occupants. A Big TV played the news in a far corner. The anchor was talking about the debate in the state senate regarding same sex marriage. Carr heard the disgruntled rumbling of some of the men in the café. Taking a seat at the end of the counter he ordered a cup of coffee. "It’s a sad thing seeing how far the liberal politicians have gone to accommodate the sinners. Marriage is one man and one woman." Carr said in a conversational tone. The rumpled looking man seating next to him had tobacco stains on his chin and the collar of his plaid shirt. "Fucking faggots." He grumbled. "They should be taught to keep their degenerate lifestyle to themselves." Another man setting behind Carr at a table said. "I thought Bitter Root was liberal when I arrived. Having a bunch of faggots living in that big house by the mountains. It does my God fearing heart good to hear I was wrong." Carr kept his tone conversational. "You mean the boys staying out at Morgan’s place are fudge packers?" another old man with rawhide weather beaten skin asked. Margie who had stopped into chat with her sister in-law before heading to the store felt her temper rise. "What those boys are is no one’s business but their own." She snapped. "They just better keep their sashshaying asses out of town. We don’t want any fucking faggots walking our streets." Tommy Benton said slapping his hand down on the table. Carr smiled he had found just the person to help him finally remove Ackles and Padalecki from Sandy’s life. TBC>>>>
Chapter 17
Title: Making Circles 17/?
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: Love hurts, Love is stubborn, and love is
Full of need and anger. Righteousness is a love warped
Beyond everything.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: NC-17, homophobia
Notes: Just an idea that popped into my head listening to
Kane’s song ‘Making Circles’ the explicit version
Disclaimer: as usual my twisted brain has the boys doing
naughty things to each other.
Chapter Text
The Dallas Daily News headline "Deaths of Ackles and Padalecki in a house explosion investigated as hate crime." Kenneth tossed the news paper down on to his desk. He didn’t need to read the article to know what the police thought about the explosion. After his eventful lunch with the lovely Ms. Swan he had spent the afternoon being interviewed by Major Crime’s detectives. They wanted to speak to him about his relationship with his half brother Alan’s family. The fact that Kenneth was against gay rights didn’t escape the notice of the police. He had been very vocal in years past about his feelings about Jensen’s open homosexuality. Kenneth had even blocked Jensen and Jared’s acceptance into Bethel Country Club one of the most exclusive country clubs inside Dallas’s ultra rich bubble. One detective asked Kenneth directly if he had anything to do with the explosion. "Of course I didn’t! Regardless of my feelings about my nephew’s sexuality I certainly didn’t want him dead. He paid the ultimate price for his sins against God detective. God always extracts his due penance when his word is not followed." The detective’s told Kenneth not to leave Texas in the fore seeable future in case he was needed for more questioning.
Carr struck up a conversation with Tommy Benton when they both were standing at the café cash register waiting to pay their tab. Tommy Benton was a perfect tool to use to accomplish his goals. He could rid the world of the sinful disgrace of Ackles, Padalecki and their friends. He would be an instrument of God’s righteous cleansing of the earth.
"Shit!" Christian tossed his card’s on the table as Kevin grinned pulling all the cash stacked in the middle of the table toward him. "You are fucking evil Kevin!" All of those sitting at the table had lost money. Kevin had won about $500 dollars from Jared, another $300 from Christian and $500 from Steve. The only one he hadn’t take money from was Jensen who wasn’t playing poker with them.
"Jen! I just lost $500 dollars to this cheater." Jared pointed at Kevin his bottom lip sticking out. "I didn’t cheat! You guys are just lousy poker players." Kevin shot back while he counted his money. "I am not a lousy poker player!" Christian grumbled tossing back a shot of Jack Daniels.
Jensen set his book down looking at the four men setting around the card table. Slowly he walked around the table his left hand trailing across each man’s shoulder lightly. Each step Jensen took was deliberate allowing his hip to roll just so the denim waist of his fade jean would dip and gap revealing glimpses of pale gold skin. He continues making a slow circle around the table his eyes virtually glowing green with heated lust and need. His body language screamed sex. Stopping behind Steve Jensen threaded his skilled fingers through the honey laced brown curls that brushed Steve’s shoulders. Tugging gently Jensen leaned down pressing a ghost of a kiss along Steve’s throat. Jensen could feel everyone’s eyes on him as he moved gracefully to Christian whose electric blue orbs darkened with heat. Jensen reached out his hand tracing the line of Christian’s brow pressing his whole body along his seated man’s side. Their eyes met as Jensen pressed the lightest kiss Christian every felt against the shell of his ear. When Christian moved to pull Jensen on to his lap he skated out of his reach moving on to Jared who was watching him with a fire of love and lust burning bright in his dark hazel eyes. Jensen traced his index finger along curve of Jared’s jaw. Leaning into Jared Jensen sealed their lips together in a quick devouring kiss before moving away from his husband to the last man sitting at the table. Kevin couldn’t keep his eyes off the sway of Jensen’s slim hips as he moved closer. Jensen slithered in front of Kevin settling astride his lap his hands resting on Kevin’s shoulders. His green eyes locked with Kevin’s grey blue ones. Kevin felt his cock harden as Jensen bit his bottom just given Kevin a peek of his pink tongue white teeth as the sunk into the plump lip. Lean forward Jensen let a sly smile form on his face. Lick his lips close enough to Kevin’s that the other man could feel the hot wet drag of Jensen’s tongue. Jensen titled his head whispering into Kevin’s ear.
"Would you like me to play with you Kev? I bet it would be fun." "Ah…Shit" Kevin stammered licking his suddenly dry lips. Tearing his eyes from Jensen’s intense gaze Kevin looked at Jared. "Please Jay I am begging you." Jared was up from his chair in a flash his long arms wrapping around Jensen’s waist lifting him off Kevin’s lap. "I got him." Jared said with a laugh.
No one could get a guy riled up like Jensen could. Kevin let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding glaring at Jensen who just smiled sweetly at him. "You are evil, you know that."
Kenneth listened to Smith’s voicemail message for the hundredth time cursing as he ended the call. Sandy had called him saying Carr had left her a very strange message on her voicemail. Something about finding his true calling serving God’s righteous justice and that the visions were coming directly to him now. The boy was cracking up. A soft tap at his office door grabbed Kenneth’s attention his secretary stepped inside his office. She handed him a small white envelope with elegant feminine hand writing. The slight fragrance of Coco Chanel reach his nose, it was a smell he dreamed about since he met her. His little brother Alan’s elegant refined wife Donna.
"Kenneth, I feel you know more then you have said about what happened to my family. I beg you stop whatever you are trying to do. My children mean everything to me. We have never thought of you anything less than Alan’s brother and family. Please meet me at the Marina. Donna
The Ackles family was society all the way as far as Laz could tell. Alan and Donna both very aware of the standing image their family had in the community. They were also creatures of strict schedules. So when Donna left the Ackles home just before dusk on a Thursday evening when the rest of the family was enjoying a family dinner at the club Laz knew something was up.
Chapter 18
Title: Making Circles 18/?
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: Love hurts, Love is stubborn, and love is
Full of need and anger. Righteousness is a love warped
Beyond everything.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: NC-17, homophobia
Notes: Just an idea that popped into my head listening to
Kane’s song ‘Making Circles’ the explicit version
Disclaimer: as usual my twisted brain has the boys doing
naughty things to each other.
Chapter Text
The marina was lit with soft Chinese paper lanterns that shimmered against the river. The Ackles boat house sat on the far end and took up three slips. Donna always loved spending the day on the boat letting the river take them to the Gulf. Being on the water always gave Donna a sense for peace. Alan didn’t want to believe his brother had anything to do with the whole mess with Jensen. Donna knew different Kenneth Bailey was a spiteful, homophobic bigot who thought he spoke for God. He had tried to get Alan and Donna to send Jensen to one of those religious camps that say they could reform homosexuals to be straight. Kenneth’s position was Jensen was dragging the Ackles name down with his perversion. When Jensen and Jared had split Donna had felt Kenneth had something to do with it. Jared Padalecki loved her son with every fiber of his 6’6 being. Donna believed that to her soul. She had held Jensen had cried his broken heart out and she had held Jared as sobbed his regret and shame at hurting Jensen. When Jensen had closed himself off from everyone for half a year. Kenneth had preached that he was finally seeing the error of his sexuality. Everything about Kenneth seethed hatred and intolerance that made Donnas skin crawl.
"Shall we take a short sail?" Kenneth asked from behind Donna admiring the soft feminine line of her petite frame. Alan certainly had chosen well when he married Donna. Donna turned around schooling her features not to show her obvious disgust. "I am afraid our visit will not take very long."
Parking his SUV Laz made his way down the marina toward the Ackles boat house. For just a fleeting moment he had wondered if Donna Ackles could possibly be having an affair with her brother in-law. But the image of Donna cringing when Kenneth tried to give her a hug at the funeral came to his memory. The question was why Donna would be meeting with Bailey now alone. Slow and deliberately Donna slid her hand inside her purse pulling out the 38 Alan had given her for protection.
Pointing the gun directly at Kenneth’s heart. "Jesus Christ! Donna what are you doing?" Kenneth shouted taking a step back his hands in front of him. "I want the truth. I want you tell me what you have done Kenneth. How could you hurt my baby that way? What did Jensen ever do to you?" "Jensen is an abomination against God!" Kenneth snapped.
Laz snuck into the boat house staying out of sight waiting for a chance to stop Donna Ackles from doing something supremely stupid. "Don’t sprout your righteous God speech Kenneth. God doesn’t care who you love. You do though don’t you Kenneth. Why? Are you jealous that Jensen has Jared who loves him with everything and no one could ever love you that way? Or is it just seeing anyone happy that gets you angry?"
Kenneth cautiously took a step back. "You’re fucking insane. I don’t care if your little faggot is happy. Just the thought of what he has done tainting Jared Padalecki with his sin turns my stomach. Padalecki loved a sweet girl before Jensen led him into the sinful life of homosexuality. It makes me physically ill thinking about it."
"Donna put the gun down." Laz stepped inside the boat house his hand on his holstered gun ready to pull it hoping he wouldn’t have too. "Thank God! This woman is psychotic arrest her!" Kenneth said relaxing a bit. His mind already on how he could use this situation to his advantage taking everything from his brother Alan. "Donna think about your family. You shoot this asshole no matter how deserving you will go to prison. Do you think Jensen and Jared want that?" Laz asked keeping his attention on Donna. Tears streaked down Donnas’ face as her hand started to shake. The 38 becoming impossibly heavy in her small hand.
Laz darted forward taking the gun from her hand before Donna could accidently pull the trigger. "It’s ok sweetheart I’ve got you." Laz whispered wrapping his arm around the smaller woman. "He did this to my son. I know he did. I just want my baby to come home." Donna sobbed against Laz’s broad chest. "I know Donna. I know. You have to trust me Bailey will get what is coming to him. I promise." Laz whispered against her ear.
The sound of Kenneth’s deep rumbling cackle echoed through the boat house. "I know the little faggot and Padalecki are still alive. But it’s not going to matter anymore in a short while. They will be dead for real very soon. And it’s all your stupid little faggot son’s fault Donna. All Jensen needed to do was stay away from Padalecki, but he couldn’t do that." Kenneth started laugh against The feeling of cold steel against the back of his neck stopped Kenneth’s laughter short. Nick step to Kenneth’s side. "That sounded like a threat to me Kenny boy." In an instant the boat house was flooded with police. Laz and quickly slipped the 38 into his pocket. Donna pulling a gun wasn’t part their little plan to get Kenneth to spill some info. He looked over at Nick giving him a nod that told the older man to get Donna out of the boat house quickly.
The insistent ringing of the telephone pulled Jared from his slumber. After the poker game he and Jensen had been up most of the night making love until neither of them could move. Slapping his big platter size hand at the offending ringing phone. Flipping the phone open. "What!" Jared snapped into the receiver. "That how your mama taught you to answer the phone boy?" Jeffrey Dean asked his deep whiskey voice rumbling into Jared’s ear. "Fuck Morgan! Sorry Jensen and I had a long night. What’s up?" Jared looked down at the sleepy moss green of Jensen’s eyes carding his fingers through his short cinnamon strands of hair. "How would coming home sound to you both?" Jeff asked with a chuckle. "What do you mean how would we feel about coming home?" Jared asked sitting up. "Laz and the cops arrested Bailey today. Thanks to Jensen’s mama bear." "Donna? What happened? Stop being so cryptic." Jared demanded. "Come home and you will get all your answers." Jeff answered.
Chapter 19
Title: Making Circles 19/?
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: Love hurts, Love is stubborn, and love is
Full of need and anger. Righteousness is a love warped
Beyond everything.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: NC-17, homophobia
Notes: Just an idea that popped into my head listening to
Kane’s song ‘Making Circles’ the explicit version
Disclaimer: as usual my twisted brain has the boys doing
naughty things to each other.
Chapter Text
The ridge line was just a wide open space. Not the best place to conceal a sniper waiting for his target. That was unless the sniper knew how to use the high grass to hide, which Tommy Benton did. He had been hunting in the tall grass of the range since he was a little boy. Smith had told him about the un Godly things the five men in the large house had been partaking in and it disgusted him.
"Is my mom ok? What did Jeff say? Jay! What happened?" Jensen peppered Jared with questions as soon as he got off the phone. Jared grabbed Jensen pulling him into a bone crushing hug. "Jeff said we can go home Baby. We can all go home." Jared said against Jensen’s neck. After Jared gave a short explanation of his phone conversation with Jeff. Laughter and hugs erupted Kevin slapped Christian’s back trying to side step the group hug only to be snagged by Jared who pulled him in. "No getting away, dude. You are part of us now." Jared said with a sinful chuckle. "Just trying to avoid getting crushed to death by you giant goof balls." Kevin answered with a chuckle. With a leer in his electric blue eyes Christian got the opportunity to cop a feel of Kevin’s firm ass. Kevin glared elbowing Christian in the gut. "Watch it you pervert."
Through the scope of his rifle Tommy lined up his first shot a perfect head shot to Ackles. As his finger twitched to pull the trigger the sound of a vehicle moving closer distracted him enough he lost the shot. "Son of a bitch!"
The news that prompted the Dallas business man Kenneth Bailey had been arrested in connection with the blackmail and attempted murder of his nephew Jensen Ackles and his partner Jared Padalecki. The press seemed to gloss over that fact that the two men and their neighbor had been reported as dying in a house explosion and that a very public funeral was held for them. Carr Smith scanned the rolling grass lands surrounding the Morgan place looking for his hired gun Tommy Benton. He needed to stop the kid from doing something stupid. Putting Padalecki and Ackles down would have to wait until all the attention died down. Smith had to wait until he knew what Bailey was saying to the police.
Kevin stopped what he was doing and looked out the big window across the sloping prairie. The wind rippled through the green and yellow strands of grass like an ocean wave. Just short of a hundred yards out there was a gap in the grass like someone or something had decided to lay down hiding among the grass. The shine of the mid-day sun hit the unmistakable curved glass of sniper scope flashed. Kevin was moving before recognition of what he saw was completely formed in his mind.
"Kane! Get everyone to cover. We have sniper!" Kevin yelled. Christian grabbed his own rifle before getting the other three men into the basement. He tossed Jared his Glock. "Anyone comes to the door you shot first ask who it is later. You got me stretch?" "How you know it’s not just some deer hunter?" Jensen asked his hand shoved deep into his jean pockets. "It’s not deer season Jenny. Stay down here until I call Steve." Christian answered before leaving. "Be careful you fucking shit head!" Steve yelled after him.
Smith pulled his SUV over getting out. "Benton! Benton where are you?" Smith started to walk into the tall grass. Tommy heard the preacher calling his name. His hands started to shake and sweat pooled on his forehead. His perfect shot had been ruined by Smith driving in like a maniac. Stupid preacher probably got cold feet. But taking out the faggot lover’s would be Tommy’s first step into the business of being a hired killer like Carlos the Jackal. The preacher’s footsteps came closer Tommy turned onto his back holding his rifle ready to pull the trigger when Smith came into view. "Damn it Benton!" Carr growled.
Kevin slipped out the back of the house running in a crouched motion with his rifle over his back. His leg and back erupting in hot almost blinding pain like someone was grinding jagged glass over his scars. It was only training, stubbornness, and adrenaline that kept Kevin from falling down and crying in agony. He saw a man walking into the tall grass like he was looking for something. The slight movement in the grass told Kevin where his hunter was. Just the tip of the rifle peeked up from the sea of green and yellow grass. The sharp crack of the rifle report got Kevin moving again. Tommy watched the blood spread out over the front of the preacher’s chest as Smith fell dead to the ground. Slowly he moved to stand. Tommy needed to move closer to the house. He would take out his targets as they left the house. A sharp pain sliced through his back just below the shoulder blade. The tangy metal taste of blood filled his mouth. Tommy clutched his chest as his knees buckled. Like the preacher he was dead before he hit the ground.
Hearing the gun shot’s Christian ran toward Kevin. "Kevin! Shit! Kevin you fucking asshole!" Barely able to move Kevin raised his hand yelling weakly. "I am over here you fucking Hick!"
Chapter 20
Title: Making Circles 20/20
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Summary: Love hurts, Love is stubborn, and love is
Full of need and anger. Righteousness is a love warped
Beyond everything.
Beta’d by: orvida
Warning: NC-17, homophobia
Notes: Just an idea that popped into my head listening to
Kane’s song ‘Making Circles’ the explicit version
Disclaimer: as usual my twisted brain has the boys doing
naughty things to each other.
Chapter Text
Laz stood behind the two way glass watching Kenneth Bailey fidget in his seat. "How are you going to go at him?" he asked Dallas County Prosecutor Lance Davis. Lance looked over at the man he knew only by reputation. Laz Alonso ran the top security agency in the US outside the government. "Well since my office wasn’t exactly kept in the loop on this I was hoping you could ride shot gun." "There wasn’t much time to notify all the pertinent parties after Ackles house exploded, but keeping my clients among the living was my first concern. Sorry if that makes you feel a little put out."
Laz tone said more than his words and the prosecutor took a reflexive step back. "How did you get the local PD to go along with it?" Lance asked curious as to why Ackles was treated like someone hustled into Witness Protection. "Let’s just say I have a few connections that are some pretty heavy hitters and beyond your pay grade to know." Laz answered turning his attention back to Bailey. A knock at the door a pretty blonde secretary slipped into the room. "Mr. Alonso there’s a Christian Kane on the phone. He said it’s about Mr. Ackles case."
"Who is Kane?" Davis asked the name sounded vaguely familiar to him. Laz ignored the question answering the phone. Kane gave Laz the crib note version of what had gone down. That Smith was dead and so was a local kid Tommy Benton. Kevin had saved the day jacking his back up in the process which would be dealt with once they we back in Texas. The man clearly needed some caretakers. "We should be back by 9 tonight."
Kevin hissed as another spasm ripped through his back. He had taken his muscle relaxer and pain meds but they hadn’t started working as of yet. Sitting in an uncomfortable plastic chair in the airport wasn’t doing his back any favors. Kevin was dreading the flight home. The feeling of strong sure hands on his slumped shoulders made Kevin tense. Strong thumbs massaged the tight muscles putting just the right amount of pressure along Kevin’s spine. Jensen leaned down dropping a light kiss on the spikey blonde crown of Kevin’s head. "Let me know if this starts hurting more than helping." Dropping his head back against the hard muscle of Jensen’s abs. "Fuck Jensen feels so good." Kevin groaned feeling the knots of muscle start to loosen. "You missed your calling dude." "I also have degree in Sports Medicine along with my MBA." Leaning down so he could whisper into Kevin’s ear. "I have all kinds of special talents I’d just love to show you." Jensen voice had dropped to a deep rumbling growl his plush lips teasing the shell of Kevin’s ear. Jensen chuckled as Kevin groaned.
"Delta Flight 696 to Dallas Fort Worth is now boarding at gate 12." The crisp professional voice of attendant almost made Jared cheer. He wanted to get Jensen home and get back to a normal life. "Stop teasing Kevin it’s time to go home." Jared said holding his hand out to Kevin to help him up.
Bouncing his knee Kenneth’s mind raced with how he could spin the situation to his benefit. Donna had always been a little high strung. Obviously her insanity was passed on to her son Jensen. Who would believe the outlandish conspiracy that Kenneth had plotted to ruin Jensen’s marriage and barring that he had tried to have him and Padalecki blown up? The door to the interview room opened and Kenneth’s lawyer Robert Kneppner walked in. Kneppner had the look of a slick expensive salesman. He was the kind of lawyer that fit every stereo type of a corrupt lawyer. When he spoke his voice had just the hint of a gentile southern lilt that made you think of Tennessee Williams plays. "Kenneth don’t worry we will clear this up as quickly as possible. Only answer questions if I nod my head." Kneppner said sitting down next to Bailey.
ADA Davis stepped into the interview room followed by Las Alonso. Before Davis could even introduce himself Kneppner was on the defense. "I object to having a non-law enforcement of State litigator being allowed in this interview." Laz chuckled waiting for Davis to respond. "Since this isn’t a court room your objection doesn’t mean anything. Mr. Alonso is an independent investigator the District Attorney has used before. So shall we get down to business councilor or did you want to object to something else?" Laz leaned over whispered into Davis’s ear about Smith being dead.
"Mr. Bailey how do you know Reverend Carr Smith?" Kenneth shifts ever so slightly in his chair to shoot his attorney a sideways look before answering. "Smith is the pastor at my church also a good friend." "Was." Laz spoke. "What?" Kenneth looked confused. "Smith was the pastor. He is dead in Montana. Apparently shot by the man he hired to kill your nephew Jensen Ackles. The hired gun is dead too by the way." Laz sat back waiting for the news to sink in.
Nerviously licking his lips Kenneth tried to come up with a response that was appropriate for acquaintances. "That is sad to hear Mr. Alonso. Pastor Smith did always seem to be a troubled soul. But I didn’t know him that well." Davis grinned Bailey was going to try and push everything off on Smith. Too bad for him Smith was an obsessive note taker. He wrote down everything down in neat clear printing in dozens of journals. Every detail from the time Kenneth came to him about visions and the need to thorwd the evilness of Jensen Ackles was down on crisp white pages.
"So Smith wouldn’t have any cause to write about you in his journals if you didn’t have more than a passing acquaintance with him." Davis watched Kenneth’s face pale just a little. "My client is done talking as of now gentlemen. Either charge him or let him go." Kneppner said putting his hand on Kenneth arm which was shaking slightly. "Afraid your client will be remaining with us for the duration." ADA Davis smiled as Bailey paled.
One year later…..
The Dallas court house steps were filled with a throng of reporters from all over. TRU TV had their crew set up overlooking the courthouse to bring their viewers all the latest on the murder and conspiracy trial of Kenneth Bailey. "In a story that could fit nicely into any daytime soap opera the murder and conspiracy trial of Kenneth Bailey a member of the influential Ackles family for attempting to murder and conspiracy to committ murder and blackmail his nephew Jensen Ackles and his partner Jared Padalecki began today." Tru TV Open Session’s Vinnie Politan started his short recap of the twisted tale that had consumed the public for the better part of a year.
The Ackles and Padalecki families filled just about all the seats in the courtroom. Kevin laced his fingers through his wives fingers. Mackenzie Ackles had stubbornly demanded he let her into his life. Jensen had warned him no one side no to his baby sister. They had just returned from their honeymoon in time for the trail to start. Steve and Christian sat with the families because to quote Donna and Sherry they were as much their sons as Jared and Jensen were. It didn’t hurt that they both were all manner’s and sweet smiles for the two ladies. Jensen called them suck ups because they always got food from the mom’s. Assistant District Attorney Lance felt short standing next to Jared Padalecki who dwarfed his 6’3 by three inches. Padalecki’s large size only seemed to complement Ackles trim but still masculine form. He was amazed at the bond the two men had. It was clear that Ackles and Padalecki loved each other beyond anything or anyone else in the world.
A bailiff slipped out of the judge’s chamber doors whispering to one of the sheriff’s. They motioned for the two councils to come to the judge’s chambers. The court room erupted into hushed whispers of speculation. It seemed like hours before the judge and the attorneys reappeared. Judge William Defoe took his seat. Turn to the seated jurors. "Ladies and gentlemen the state of Texas and Dallas County thanks you for time and dismisses you from jury service at this time." Waiting for the jurors to file out of the court room before he continued. "I have received confirmation that the defendant Kenneth Bailey has committed suicide in the court house holding cell. With Mr. Bailey deceased I have no choice but to dismiss the state’s case against him." The judge slammed his cavil down.
The whole state was talking about Bailey’s suicide and how he was too much of a coward to stand trial for his crimes. Most of the public show their support of Jensen and Jared and their families. As one old Texas politician had said. We may not agree with their sexuality doesn’t mean the state of Texas will stand for a body to be terrorized like Ackles was. The sound of laughter and music floated through the warm Texas twilight sky. The newly built two story log ranch home Jared had built and designed for Jensen sat proud and beautiful on their private 27 acre spread north of Dallas. All of their family and friends had come to help them celebrate their new home and the end of their ordeal with Kenneth Bailey.
"Jenny! Get your pretty ass up here and sing a few with us!" Christian yelled over to Jensen who hung his head blushing. He hated when Christian called him Jenny. Steve grabbed his arm and dragged him toward the make shift stage. Jensen smiled out at all the people gathered in his home. His life was so different then it had been just a two years before. It was the life he always wanted. He was blessed.