Mudae Badge (2024)

1. Kakera Badges | Mudae Wiki - Fandom

  • Badges · Prices · IV Badge Messages

  • Kakera badges, also known as kakera rewards, are the most basic type of rewards you can gain with Kakera. It is recommended for kakera badges to be a player's earliest purchases. They can be accessed with the commands $kakera and $kakerareward. The variables are the following for default prices of kakeras for getting badges: Bronze: x = 1000 Silver: x = 2000 Gold: x = 3000 Sapphire: x = 5000 Ruby: x = 7000 Emerald: x = 9000 In the case of a server having set their own default ($badgevalue), repl

Kakera Badges | Mudae Wiki - Fandom

2. Badges | Mudae Wiki - Fandom

  • This page contains all the badges which can be displayed on your Profile. You can view a list of all your badges with $badges. All of the following badges ...

  • This page contains all the badges which can be displayed on your Profile. You can view a list of all your badges with $badges. All of the following badges are earned by purchasing the corresponding Kakera Badge. Buying a higher tier of the same badge will replace it. These badges are NOT global, they only appear on servers where you've bought them. The chests of Waifuarena can be obtained during Naw's story mode $ar5 by killing fairies of the corresponding color, which summons a dragon. Killing

Badges | Mudae Wiki - Fandom

3. Badge Efficiency Calculator - GitHub Pages

4. How to Buy Badges in Mudae - Alphr

  • Aug 22, 2023 · Fortunately, the process of buying kakera badges in Mudae is very simple. Here's how it works: Open up Discord and head to the server you ...

  • Buying kakera badges is one of the best ways to get ahead in Mudae. Each badge provides unique benefits, like bonus wishslots or a reduction in your

How to Buy Badges in Mudae - Alphr

5. Mudae on Tumblr

Mudae on Tumblr

6. Wish Spawnrate Calculator - GitHub Pages

  • Badge Efficiency Calculator. Badge Efficiency Calculator · Bundles. No. of Charaters Wished in Your Roll Type (Unclaimed). -10 -1 0 +1 +10. Badge Wish Boost %.

  • Let \(wl\) be the number of wishes in your roll type, \(wb_B\) be badge wish boost, and \(wb_F\) be the fist wish boost, \(wp\) be the wish prorection rate, \(C_D\) be the number of disabled characters in your roll type, \(C_L\) be the number of unclaimed characters in your roll type, \(C_T\) be the total number of characters in your roll type, and \(pr\) be your personal rare value.

7. How to Get More Rolls in Mudae - Alphr

  • Jan 4, 2022 · Change Game Mode · Spend Kakera on Kakera Badges · Create a Wishlist · Use the Vote Command · Get Premium · How Many Times Can You Claim on Mudae?

  • Catching “waifus” and “husbandos” is the main order of business for the Discord bot known as Mudae. The bot gives you chances to roll for characters,

How to Get More Rolls in Mudae - Alphr

8. Profile of @Bait002 - Janitor AI

  • @Bait002. 4351 followers. Beginning creator badge. Beginning reader badge ... Mudae added to Disc server! (Announcement). 88. Mudae added to Disc server ...

  • JanitorAI - wow, much chatbots, such fun! Join the Discord

9. Sofi

  • Badge 99. 144,057. Animazing Anime Discord ✨ Social ...

  • A fun card collecting and battling game with over 40,000 characters to collect. It contains cards from anime, k-pop, pc games, pokemon, cartoons, original characters, and much more


10. VisualBadge - Smith & Warren

  • Design custom badges, service award bars, nameplates, tie bars, and much more on VisualBadge. Every product can be customized online so that you can see it ...

Mudae Badge (2024)


How to get badges in mudae? ›

You can buy badges by simply doing the command $bronze to purchase Bronze, $ruby to purchase Ruby, etc. You can also purchase multiple badges at once by writing $bronze 4, to purchase up to Bronze IV in one command.

Can you refund badges in mudae? ›

Admins can use the command $kakerarefund in order to issue a full badge refund in case a user wants to choose a different route. The tables provide the total for the costs of all badges, not just the highlighted/listed ones. This is because it's recommended to buy all badges.

How rare is Rainbow kakera Mudae? ›

Kakera Frequency
Blue Yellow60.2%
Teal Green Orange30.6%
2 more rows

How do you increase your chances of getting a character in Mudae? ›

Rolling often will give you more chances to roll a character you like. +100% bonus is NOT the same thing as "100% chance (guaranteed wish)", there is no way to guarantee a wish, or to guarantee any character.

How much does Discord pay you? ›

How much money will I earn? Discord has a 90 / 10 split. This means you will receive 90% of the money that you earn from each monthly subscription and/or one-time purchase you sell, and Discord will keep 10%. Keep in mind, there are various fees that will impact your final payment amount.

What is the pink badge on Discord? ›

Server Booster Badge

This pink badge represents a user who directly supports one of their favorite servers through Server Boosting. By hovering over the Server Booster badge, you'll see how long they've boosted servers.

Why is Discord so valuable? ›

A Discord community is a safe space for fans to engage with a brand on a deeper level than the increasingly fragmented social media or other online platforms, driving tangible marketing and monetisation results.

How to get a lot of kakera in mudae? ›

You can gain the kakera value of characters in the following scenarios:
  1. Divorcing a character.
  2. Marrying the character (with Emerald IV. )
  3. Rolling the character after they have 6+ keys. ($bku, limited to 4500 kakera/3 hours and can be increased with Kakera Tower perk 9)

Can you give unclaimed characters in Mudae? ›

$givecustom is the ONLY command for giving someone an unclaimed character. There is no way to give non-custom characters in this way.

Can you sell Pokemon Mudae? ›

You cannot trade Pokémon, and generally speaking, the Pokémon system does not affect any part of the character roulette, nor does the character roulette affect Pokémon.

How much is yellow kakera worth? ›

Reacting to kakera
Green Kakera251 - 300
Yellow Kakera401 - 500
Orange Kakera701 - 800
Red Kakera1401 - 1601
5 more rows

How many anime characters are in Mudae? ›

Mudae is well known for its character roulette game, which features ~104,000 rollable anime, manga, and video game characters from a wide variety of series. Alongside the roulette, Mudae has a selection of other games and command functions to use. All of this and more is documented on our Wiki.

How to get more mudapins? ›

Mudapins can be traded or gifted through $pe and $gp respectively.

Where do you get badges in discord? ›

Discord Server Booster Badge

The more you boost the server, the more features you get on that server. A server Booster badge is given to the account that is boosting the servers. Also, if you boost the server every month, your server booster badge will improve.

How do I get more characters in Mudae? ›

Rolls are the primary way to get characters in Mudae.

How do you get a rare discord badge? ›

Some badges can be earned by purchasing Nitro or boosting a server, while others are exclusive or no longer obtainable. On a profile, badges appear in a hierarchical order, and multiple badges stack.

How do you get custom characters in Mudae? ›

Custom characters can be rolled and claimed normally, but unclaimed custom characters can also be given to anyone by a mod by using the command $givecustom. Custom characters are the only characters that can be forcibly given when they're not already claimed.

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

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Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.