Pointe Coupee Banner from New Roads, Louisiana (2024)

Official Journal of The Parish of Pointe Coupee Published On The Banks of Beautiful False River 82 NEW ROADS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1963 No. 25 The Pointe Coupee Banner Local Farm Bureau Board, Medical Association Leaders, Join In Criticism of Pres. Kennedy's Medicare Plan The Board of Directors of the Pointe Coupee Parish Farm Bureau voted a resolution a at a recent meetthe ing remarks group, heartily endorsing made last week in Baton Rouge by Dr. Edward R. Annis, Miami, Florida surgeon who is shortly to assume the presidency of the American Medical Association.

Dr. Annis said that the Administration and his close Kennedy advisors were not telling the full truth to the people on the medical care and on other domestic policies. program Joining in their whole-hearted approval of the Annis statements were leaders of the Pointe Coupee Medical Association, Dr. Robert N. Helm, president and Dr.

Eugene G. Durel, the parish medical association's delegate to the State Medical Society, who formerly headed the District Medical Society. The American Medical Association president-elect specifically hit the controversial King-Anderson medicare proposal and had high praise for the Kerr-Mills bill which is already in effect in a number of states, including Louisiana. Flaying the national administration, Dr. Annis specifically cited Sen.

Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota for public stating the King-Anderson medicare program would cost American workers only $12 a year: "Is this true? Why don't they tell you the whole story?" Dr. Annis said the figure would apply only to those making $200 a month or $2,400 a year. Those making higher incomes would have to pay more through higher social security tax deductions, according to Annis, pointing out that the social security tax has been increased a- gain this year, taking effect January 1st. The nationally known medic explained that the King-Anderson proposal provide for all persons (continued on back page) -000- Lloyd Aguillard, Jr. Receives Walgreen Employee Scholarship Joseph Lloyd Aguillard, a student at the Loyola University College of Pharmacy, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Lloyd Aguillard, of New Roads, has been awarded a Walgreen employee scholarship. Aguillard, who received his Masters degree from LSU has entered his third year of study in pharmacy at Loyola and upon the completion of the current term, his scholarship is renewable for each of the two remaining years of the five-yearcourse. He works with the firm during summer vacations and during the school year as study schedules permit. The native Pointe Coupeean is married to the former Carolyn Mattingly.

They have three sons. Something New In Pecan Trees Several demonstrations were set out this week to compare pecan trees grown in containers against pecan trees transplanted bare rooted, according to County Agent Sterling Deville. A lot of interest in container grown pecan trees has been shown during the last few years. In December the agent along with Bennett Bergeron visited the Guidry Nursery in Parks to observe the operation of growing pecan trees in containers and to look over two new varieties being released (Ko Ko and Guidry). The root system of the container grown trees was very massive.

In order to determine which tree (container grown rooted) and produce the earliest, the agent will take the best, grow bathe fastest planted one tree of each of the same variety through the sponsorship of the Bergeron Brothers and Baum's Nursery. The supply of container grown trees is exhausted for this year but a good supply of very fine bare rooted trees are available locally at Baum's Nursery. Now is the ideal time to set out pecan trees. Interest in pecan planting is running at a high interest, Deville says, as four new orchards have already been set out and planted in the parish. Additional information and assistance can be obtained from the County Agents' Office.

Father P. T. Dalton To Leave St. Augustine's Due To Ill Health Father Pierce T. Dalton, S.S.J., pastor of St.

Augustine's Catholic Church in New Roads for the past four and one half years is to leave his post due to ill health. The well-liked, personable priest, a native of Everett, Massachusetts, who was ordained in 1935, served in several churches, including two in Louisiana, prior to coming here in 1958. His administration has been marked by a number of improvements including the construction of the new St. Augustine's rectory, completed a relatively short time ago. In 1960 the friendly pastor observed his 25th anniversary as a priest.

Following his departure from New Roads, Father Dalton will be located at the "Mother House" of the Josephite order in Baltimore, Maryland until his health permits him to resume again active pastoral duty. -000- The average person last year spent $50 for dairy products. School Board Okays Land Purchase For Livonia High Field, Playground Area The Pointe Coupee Parish School Board at its meeting January 9th approved the purchase of five acres of land for a football field and playground area for Livonia High School. Authorization was given the Board for the purchase of the tract for $1500 per acre from the estate of Willet Hurst. The tract of land is adjacent to Livonia High.

Funds for the purchase of the Hurst tract were procured from the sale of two tracts of Pointe School Board land in the Coupee area. In other action, the Board declared February 26th-Mardi Gras Day, as a school holiday. Lorio reported to the board Supt. that Livonia High School has been accredited by the Southern Association of Secondary Schools while Batchelor High and Rosenwald High have been approved. A report from the state home economics supervisor stating the good condition of the home economics proand physical plants of the grams parish schools was likewise read by the Superintendent.

Lorio's financial report stated that state funds were received through December 1962 and that all bills and bank loans had been paid. Also reported to the Board was that a survey is presently under way in the parish to evaluate buildings and facilities for a possible school consolidation. A visit to Caldwell Parish which recently consolidated its schools is contemplated by Pointe Coupee school officials. The 8th ward's new School Board member, Morris Bergeron of Lakeland, was installed at the meeting. SLATE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY STATION BATON ROUGE, LA.

American History Month Essay Contest Deadline Jan. 18th The American History Essay Contest now being participated in by parish students in the 5, 6, 7, and 8th grades are due to be handed in at the schools January 18th. The contest is being sponsored locally by the Pointe Coupee Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution. Mrs. Otis L.

Olinde is chairman. The event is conducted in observance of American History Month. After the January 18th deadline, essays will be graded and judged and parish winners will be named. Winners from each of the four grades will receive medals from 1 the DAR chapter and their essays will be entered i in the divisional and national contests. The month of February will be observed as American History month in Louisiana.

This is an annual celebration, and some states have made this a permanent observance through Constitutional Amendments. American History Month essay consests were adopted as a feature of DAR in 1953 because the organization felt: it was important for each person to have a true understanding of the history of our United States. The DAR Historian General, Mrs. H. Nelson Kilbourn, stated that, "In these crucial days, we need more than ever to emphasize the spirit of America and Americanism." Schools are encouraged to observe American History Month by ly activities, classroom discussions, and school circulars.

Elzear Roy Named Vice-President of New Iberia Bank W. J. Bernard, president of the State National Bank, and Donald Delcambre, executive vice-president announced that the directors, at the organizational meeting, appointed Leon Elzear Roy, a director since 1947, as vice-president of the New Iberia bank. GO LEON ELZEAR ROY, SR. Roy, 62, is a native of New Roads, Pointe Coupee Parish and graduated from Poydras Academy in New Roads.

He attended LSU until the outbreak of World War I when he entered the service as an enlisted man. (continued on back page) Husband of Former Local Resident Dies Following Auto Crash Tuesday Parish March of Dimes Hitting Full Intensity Activities Listed The Pointe Coupee Parish March of Dimes moved into full sway this week with a number of events coming up. Successes were the K. of C. supper given this past Monday night at the K.

of C. Hall and silver tea at the home of Mrs. J. M. Bouanchaud this Thursday.

Coming up is the Lions' "March of Dimes Supper" Monday night. Coffee Day Wed. The traditional "Coffee Day" will be held in New Roads and Morganza, Wednesday, January 23rd, with eating places cooperating for the benefit of the worthy cause. Church Collections will be taken throughout the parish for the March of Dimes Sunday, January 20th. On Sunday, January 27th, through the courtesy of John Elzey, collections will be made at the King Theatre.

Then, on Sunday, February 3rd a big card of basketball games will be held at the Morganza High Gym begining at p. according to an Morganza campaign chairman. announcement he by Donald Donovan, Warren B. Braud, Supervisor of Special Services for the Pointe CouParish School Board has been pee distributing material to the of the parish for thier contribution to the annual parish March of Dimes, Mrs. Leonard J.

Gilbert, Pointe Coupee Parish campaign chairman said this week. The annual Mothers' March will be conducted in New Roads and ganza, Monday, January 28th from 7-9 p. m. -000- Alphonse T. Cline Taken By Death Alphonse Thomas Cline, 73, retired False River resident, member of a widely-known family of this parish, died at the Sisters of St.

Joseph Hospital in New Roads, Saturday, January 12th at 3:00 a. m. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Rena Cline; a son, Lester, New Roads; four daughters, Mrs. Ernest Major, Baton Rouge; Mrs.

Charlie Russo, Maringouin; Mrs. Weldon Chustz, New Roads; and Miss Gloria Cline, New Roads; three sisters, Mrs. Lynn Landry, Baton Rouge; Mrs. fred Broussard, Port Allen and Mrs. R.

L. Coleman, Lake Charles; three brothers, Albert, Erwinville; Tony, New Orleans and Joe Cline, Baton Rouge and 10 grandchildren. The body rested at the Niland Funeral Home in New Roads with funeral services being held at St. Mary's Catholic Church, New Roads, Sunday, January 13th at 2:30 p. m.

Interment followed in St. Mary's Cemetery. --000- Don't lose money! If you are over 65, still working, and haven't applied for social security benefits, write for leaflet 23c today. REPORT NO GREAT DAMAGE TO SUGAR CANE FROM RECENT COLD Bank of New Roads Officers, Directors Are Re-elected Mr. C.

O. Watts, President of the Bank of New Roads, announced that at the recent stockholders meeting all members of the Board of Directors and all officers of the Bank were re-elected. The Board of Directors of the Bank are: Joseph G. Beaud, James M. Bouanchaud, Elmo C.

Lacour, Ovide B. Lacour, John B. Major, Albin Major, J. V. Rougon, J.

Warren Rougon, Charles Ray Smith, F. A. Smith, and C. O. Watts.

The Officers of the Bank that were re-elected are: Mr. C. O. Watts President, Mr. Elmo C.

Lacour, Executive Vice-President, Mr. Charles Ray Smith, Cashier, Levy Dabadie, Assistant-Cashier, Thomas H. Bergeron, Assistant-Cashier, R. S. Ewing, Assistant-Cashier, Mildred M.

Marquette, Assistant-Cashier, Mabel Major, Assistant-Cashier, Al Olinde, Assistant-Cashier, and Numa L. Loupe, Assistant-Cashier. Mr. Watts also stated that a six per cent dividend was paid to all stockholders. This was the Bank's forty-ninth dividend.

Total assets of the Bank as of December 31, 1962 was $9,400,324.90, having Capital Accounts of $700,532.24. -000- Roy Robillard Elected First Morganza Lions Club President A Lions Club has been organized at Morganza under the sponsorship of the New Roads Lions Club. Roy Robillard, Morganza civic leader and school board member from Ward 4, was elected as the club's first president. A leading Morganza businessman, Robillard is married to the former Mary Rose Sansone of Morganza. They have five children.

Robillard served with the paratroopers during World War II. He graduated from the University of Southwestern La. Other officers elected were David A. Melson, secretary-treasurer; Luther Robillard, first vice-president; Quintin Gustin, second vice-president; L. S.

Crochet, third vice-president; Gus Barker, Lion Tamer; Adam Martin, tail twister; John Ewing and Dr. R. Tibbs, two-year board members and Mayor C. J. Tuminello and Alex Hess, one-year board members.

The president named several committeemen. Visitors at the organizational meeting were John M. Hess, president of the New Roads Lions Club; James V. Palmer, Lions International representative and John E. Dial of Baton Rouge, district governor.

Charter night for the new club will be held Feb. 13. The creation of the Morganza club marks the 32nd club in the district and 193rd in Louisiana. County Agent Sterling Deville reported Wednesday that LSU Specialists Dr. Nat Zummo, Plant thologist and Dr.

G. M. Irving, Plant Physiologist, stated at much a cane meeting dam- in age" is expected as a result of the severe cold wave of the past week. This was "due to the fact that the freeze penetration was about 2 incheswhich was well above the cane seed Deville said. Livestock Industry Hit Deville said that the cold did hit the livestock industry hard--winter grass and weak animals.

The county agent said that the last freeze literally destroyed winter gardens and that a large amount of damage to shrubs, including such as camellias, azaleas in a tender state of growth will be realized, some of it not showing up 'til May or June. -000- Bitter Cold Wave In Parish Ends Following several balmy days last week, Pointe Coupee joined most the nation in experiencing one of the most severe cold waves of the past several years with a series of successive hard freezes. Brief light sleet and snow flurries Monday morning ended under clearing skies. The rough weather began following Friday's high of 67 with a drop to Saturday's 41 low. The drop was steady to Sunday's low of 21, high of 31.

Monday the low was 20, the high was 41. The mercury rose slowly accordingly: high 49; with the high reaching 57. The low before day Thursday morning was 34, with the thermometer going haywire with the unexpected rain, going into the forties by daylight. Continued moderating temperatures were forecast for Friday. -000 Auto, Farm Truck License Plates Went On Sale Here Jan.

16 Baton Rouge -Roland Cocreham, Collector of Revenue, has reported that 102 sub stations for the sale of 1963 license plates have opened throughout the state starting January 16. "Up to now, the sale of license plates has been restricted to our full-time offices," said "But in order to sell over a million licenses without terrible inconvenience to the public, we try to open temporary stations in practically every town in the state. "We are in the process now of notifying local news media of the times and places where these substations will be opened," Cocreham said. Most of the substations will be open from January 16 through February 6, five days a week. A fourth of the stations will be open half days on Saturday.

"I urge all those who haven't already obtained their licenses to do so before the deadline rush and the long lines start," Cocreham said. The plates will be sold at the Pointe Coupee Courthouse in New Roads Mondays thru Fridays from 8:00 a. 'm. until 4:30 p. and on Saturdays from 8 a.

until 12 noon. 1962 license sales there were $3,737. The licenses will be sold in Maringouin at the City Hall on Mondays and Tuesdays. Raymond G. Post, prominent Baton Rouge architect, and husband of the former Ernestine Jordan of New Roads, died at Our a Lady of the Lake Hospital in Baton Rouge, Tuesday, January 15th at 1 p.

following a mid-morning automobile accident. He was a son-in-law of the late New Roads editor-publisher and former, Town Councilman, Charles K. Jordan. Post, who would have observed his 67th birthday January 17th was said driving alone in his car which reported crashed headon into the rail trestle abutment on the east end of the Mississippi River Bridge about 200 feet west of the Kaiser Alumimun entrance about 10:35 a. m.

An investigating officer said Post apparently lost control of his car and it struck a steel column in support of the railroad approach to the bridge. At the time of the fatal crash, Post was said returning from Plaquemine where he had inspected a building designed by his firm. His firm also designed the extensive additions being made at Rabenhorst Funeral Home according to the report. A native of Moulton, Texas, Post came to Baton Rouge in 1934 after practicing architecture in Wichita Falls and Abilene, Texas, following his graduating from Texas A M. In private practice for seven years, then associated with Bodman and Murrell, here, Post for the past nine years has been engaged in the practice of architecture in Baton Rouge under the partnership of Post and Harelson.

A member of the Downtown Lions Club of Baton Rouge for 25 years, he was an original board member of the Acadian Club, member of the Baton Rouge Texas A Club, past president of the Baton Rouge (continued on back page) -000- Promotion of J. F. Delage Announced By Gulf States The promotion of J. F. Delage, son of Mrs.

Alex Delage of New Roads to chief system operator at the Beaumont Gulf State Utilities Co. plant has been announced by Gulf States, through engineering manager, R. W. Sherwood. Delage has been an employee of the utilities company since June, 1925, when he began working in Baton Rouge as an engineroom boiler operator following his graduation from Louisiana State University with a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering.

Transferred to Beaumont in 1927, a year later he moved to Orange, Texas as a fireman in the generating plant. He served in various power plant classifications in Orange he was transferred back to Beaumont in 1937 as a load dispatcher. He was promoted to system operator in 1941, then named chief system operator in 1958. A member of St. Anne's Catholic Church of Beaumont, Delage and his wife have one married son and one daughter who is a student at Central Catholic High School.

-000- Vehicle Stolen Here Jan. 8th Recovered In Ville Platte The auto stolen from the driveway of the home of New Roads businessman James M. Bouanchaud last Tuesday night turned up abandoned and out-of-gas on a Ville Platte side street the following day. Co-incidently, a Ville Platte auto was then discovered missing, which appears to link a chain of events which began with the theft of the Terry Savoy auto in Morganza. The Savoy vehicle was abandoned out-of-gas in New Roads, and then it was discovered that the auto in Bouanchaud's driveway had been taken.

Investigating authorities continue to express the suspicion that the vehicles were taken by an escaped Angola convict, who has reportedly not yet been captured. Elderly, Partially Crippled Man Remarkable In False River Rescue Nora Ann Robillard Suffers Serious Burns Nora Ann Robillard, 14, daughter of the Robert Robillards former Mix, residents, now residing at Jackson, reportedly sustained serious burns early Wednesday morning, as her gown ignited as she stood near a gas heater. She was said rushed to a Plaquemine Hospital. -000- ECUMENICAL COUNCIL TV PRESENTATION SLATED The Ecumenical Council will receive thorough television treatment during the next two weeks. WWL-TV in New Orleans will present a one-hour documentary in color Sunday, Jan.

20 from 8 to 9 p. m. Featuring Archbishop John P. Cody and other Louisiana bishops, the documentary will present the opening of the Council and interesting side-lights of the historic event. It was filmed by cameraman Del Hall of the WWL-TV news staff.

On Sunday, Jan. 27, WDSU-TV will present a half-hour interview of Archbishop Cody by Mel Leavitt entitled "The Archbishop and the Council." The interview will take place at p. m. Archbishop Cody played a vital role in the Council. He is serving on the Commission for Seminaries, Studies and Catholic Schools.

-000 Over 65? Still working? Even so, you may be able to get some social security benefits. Write for social security leaflet 23c and find out. An elderly, well-known Jarreau figure, suffering crippling effects, a stroke victim of some time back, identified as Frank Goodman, 66, performed an extraordinarily heroic role on False River at Jarreau during the early afternoon of January 8th in the rescue of a Baker, La. man who had fallen overboard. Goodman, a retired electrician and World War I veteran, reported that after having been fishing, he was sitting on the back porch of his home facing False River when he saw a motor boat spinning around, with its pilot overboard in False River.

He said that he rushed to his 14 ft. Aluminum fishing boat and paddled some 80 to 100 yards to the spot where he stated the man was "going down." Goodman relates that he reached the man just in time and grabbed him by the coat on his arm after seating himself on the bottom of his boat (as best he could) and reaching over to the assistance of the man. Goodman said that he managed to hold the fellow's head above water with one hand and to hold off the accident victim's circling boat with the other. Shortly afterward, Goodman continued, he was assisted by others who arrived on the scene, the man being placed ashore and administered artificial respiration until he came to. The rescued man, identified as David Brown of Baker, was reported hospitalized in Baton Rouge.

Goodman, who has been partially disabled since World War recalls that many years ago as a young boy, he managed to save a boy from drowning..

Pointe Coupee Banner from New Roads, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.