1. Prisoners - Vermilion Parish Sheriff's Office
We understand the importance of being able to access this website as a way to stay informed; knowing who has been arrested and for what crime(s). However, we ...
NOTICE TO VERMILION PARISH RESIDENTS: Louisiana legislators passed and Governor Edwards has signed into law; ACT 494. This new law prohibits law enforcement agencies from disseminating the photograph of a person when arrested and booked into jail for specific criminal offenses such as misdemeanors etc. Therefore, some photographs of people booked into the Vermilion Parish Jail might not be displayed, however the basic booking information for that person will be displayed. Public safety, the safety of our residents, YOUR SAFETY is important to all of us at the Vermilion Parish Sheriff's Office. We understand the importance of being able to access this website as a way to stay informed; knowing who has been arrested and for what crime(s). However, we must comply with new and/or amended laws as they are enacted and become effective. We thank you for understanding and having patience as we comply with Louisiana ACT 494.
2. Vermilion Parish Sheriff's Office
Prisoners · Sheriff Sales · Contacts · Sex Offenders
3. Vermilion Parish Sheriff's Office | Abbeville LA - Facebook
Vermilion Parish Sheriff's Office, Abbeville, Louisiana. 15326 likes · 443 talking about this · 117 were here. The Vermilion Parish Sheriff's Office is...
See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
4. Vernon Parish Jail
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5. Vermilion Parish Sheriff's Office
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The Vermilion Parish Sheriff’s Office ACT Prep course is open to all students of Vermilion Parish, and will be free of charge, with hamburgers and hotdogs provided for lunch. These classes will be held at the Vermilion Parish Sheriff’s Office Training Facility from 9 AM to 3 PM. The address of the training facility is 14202 Allen Bares Jr. Dr, Abbeville, LA 70510. The students will need to bring paper, pencil, and whatever calculator they plan on using for the ACT. If you would like to sign up for a class, please fill out the signup form. Any questions, concerns or cancellations should be directed to Drew David at drew@vpso.net or 337-740-4504.
6. Sheriff Sales - Vermilion Parish Sheriff's Office
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Vermilion Parish Sheriff Sale Disclaimer
7. Press Releases - Vermilion Parish Sheriff's Office
11/14/2019, Press Release, According to Captain Drew David, the Public Information Officer for the Vermilion Parish Sheriff's Department, Deputies were ...
8. Online Inmate Search | Jefferson Parish Sheriff, LA - Official Website
Utilize this online inmate query to search current inmates.
9. Inmate Roster - Current Inmates Booking Date Descending
Second or subsequence offenses under RS 40:966.B; 967.B; 968.B or 969.B Use or possess to use Drug Paraphenalia Disturbing the Peace; intoxication
Inmate Roster (156)
10. Kake to have a law enforcement presence again | Juneau Empire
Nov 15, 2018 · The state established the VPSO program in the 1970s to have first ... In Kake last August, 19-year-old Jade Williams died in what Alaska State ...
For the first time in about two years, Kake has a village public safety officer.

11. VERMILION PARISH - Louisiana Sheriffs' Association
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12. Contacts - Vermilion Parish Sheriff's Office
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13. RSS Feed | Page 68 - Vermilion Today
Aug 15, 2023 · ... vpso.net(link sends e-mail) and your e-mail will be held in the ... Helping deliver the backpacks to the Vermilion Parish School System office ...
14. Crime Stoppers - Vermilion Parish Sheriff's Office
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Crime Stoppers of Vermilion, Inc.
15. post movie posters done in a busy/claustrophobic caricature style ...
Oct 25, 2013 · http://cdn.pastemagazine.com/www/system/images/photo_albums/inherent ... vpSO+HJxmERNTcN0AHVgGUkR6qQQOyxUjxCwlyxuhfkkFFX9WBEgyD1pLwXj5xF+ ...
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